Robbers' Plan To Escape The Tower!

What was the challenge in escaping the tower?

Note that difference between weights in 2 baskets can't exceed 20 pounds. However, chest can withstand the shock even if the difference exceeds that limit

1. They put 60 pounds chest in one of empty basket & sends it down. (60 pounds vs 0 Pounds)

2. Sosthenes of 80 pounds climbs in other empty basket and rides down to the ground while bringing up the chest. (60 pounds vs 80 pounds)

3. Now chest is taken out and Hilary is sent down while bringing up Sosthenes.(80 pounds vs 100 pounds).

4. Hilary gets out of the basket on ground and Sosthenes get out of the basket at top of the tower. 

5. They again send chest of 60 pound to the ground putting it in 1 basket. This brings other empty basket up at the top of the tower.

6. Now, Hilary (who is on ground) climbs in the basket with chest (total weight = 60 + 100 = 160 pounds) while Babylas (170 pounds) enters in the basket at the top of tower. This allows Babylas to ride down to the ground. (160 pounds vs 170 pounds).

Right now, Babylas is on ground and Hilary, Sosthenes are on the top of the tower with chest.

7. Here, Babylas jumps on the ground & Hilary gets out of the basket at the top of tower.

8. Again, because of chest which weighs 60 pounds the basket descends down to the ground bringing up other basket up. (60 pounds vs 0 Pounds).

9. Now, Sosthenes (at top) rides down to the ground bringing up the chest. (60 pounds vs 80 Pounds).

10. Hilary replaces himself with the chest at the top and rides down while bringing Sosthenes up. (100 pounds vs 80 Pounds). 

At the moment, Sosthenes is at the top with chest while Hilary and Babylas are on the ground. 

11. Now, Sosthenes sends back chest on the ground & then rides to the ground while entering into other empty basket. (60 pounds vs 80 Pounds). 

12. And when Sosthenes gets out of the basket on the ground the basket with chest descends on it's own to the ground.

Robbers' Plan To Escape The Tower!

13. Finally, all Sosthenes, Babylas and Hilary take chest out of the basket and safely escape the tower.



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