Amount of Rice The Seller Had

How he sold the rice?

We need to find the amount of the rice that seller had before each of the customer came for purchasing.

Since, no rice left after he made 5th transaction, he must had 1kg rice before this transaction. Half kg is purchased by 5th customer and half kg is given as a discount.

Before 4th customer, seller must had x kg where (x - x/2) - 1/2 = 1 i.e. x = 3 kg.

Before 3rd customer, seller must had y kg where (y - y/2) - 1/2 = 3 i.e. y = 7 kg.

Before 2nd customer, seller must had z kg where (z - z/2) - 1/2 = 7 i.e. y = 15 kg.

Before 1st customer, seller must had a kg where (a - a/2) - 1/2 = 15 i.e. y =31 kg.

Amount of Rice The Seller Had

Hence, the seller must had 31kg of rice initially. 


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