Solution: Amount Needed for a Casino Visit

What is the puzzle?

Let's suppose you have amount 'x' initially in your wallet.

1. On paying $5 for entry at gate A amount left is x - 5 .

2. After entry into the casino it double and becomes 2 ( x - 5 ) = 2x - 10.

3. For exit at gate B you pay $5 and the amount left with you is 2x - 10 - 5 = 2x - 15.

4. Again, for the entry at gate C, you pay $5 more. So the amount with you will be  - 
    2x - 15 - 5 = 2x - 20.

5. The amount is doubled to become 2(2x - 20) = 4x - 40 after the entry into casino.

6. Now, you have to pay $5 one more time to have exit via gate D. Hence, the amount 
left will be 4x - 40 - 5 = 4x - 45.

7. As per given condition, the amount that you should have on exit must be 0.

Hence, 4x - 45 = 0 i.e. 4x = 45. Therefore, x = 11.25. 

So you should carry $11.25 before you enter into the casino to have $0 after exit out of the casino.

Amount Needed for a Casino Visit

Let's verify this one with the amount at each of stages above.

1. Amount = 11.25 - 5 = 6.25

2. Amount = 2 x 6.25 = 12.50

3. Amount = 12.50 - 5 = 7.50

4. Amount = 7.50 - 5 = 2.50

5. Amount = 2 x 2.50 = 5 

6. Amount = 5 - 5 = 0

7. Amount = 0


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