The Discounted Purchases : Puzzle
Until last week, Mandy had been putting off the purchase of four major
items for her home, waiting for her town's annual bargain days. Each
year, the town's four main stores (including Nickels) each send out a
coupon for a different percentage discount (10%, 15%, 20%, or 30%) on
the purchase of a single item. Can you find the discount that Mandy
received on each of her buys, and determine from which store she
purchased each item?
Discounts : 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%
Store Names : Stears, Pal-Mart, Nickels, Dullard's
Appliances : Computer, Dishwasher, Lawnmower, VCR
1) The percentage discount Mandy received on her new computer was twice that of the item she bought at Dullard's.
2) The discount on the Stears purchase was ten percentage points lower than the one on the riding lawnmower.
3) The discount on the dishwasher wasn't 15%.
4) Pal-Mart, (which didn't issue the 30% off coupon) isn't the store at which Mandy purchased the VCR.
Click here for SOLUTION!
Discounts : 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%
Store Names : Stears, Pal-Mart, Nickels, Dullard's
Appliances : Computer, Dishwasher, Lawnmower, VCR
1) The percentage discount Mandy received on her new computer was twice that of the item she bought at Dullard's.
2) The discount on the Stears purchase was ten percentage points lower than the one on the riding lawnmower.
3) The discount on the dishwasher wasn't 15%.
4) Pal-Mart, (which didn't issue the 30% off coupon) isn't the store at which Mandy purchased the VCR.
Click here for SOLUTION!