
Showing posts with the label conversation

What day of the week is it?

A group of campers have been on vacation so long, that they've forgotten the day of the week. 

The following conversation ensues. 

Darryl: "What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday." 

Tracy: "Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday." 

Melissa: "Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday." 

Ben: "The day after tomorrow is Saturday." 

Adrienne: "The day before yesterday was Thursday." 

Susie: "Tomorrow is Saturday." 

David: "I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday." 

If only one person's statement is true, what day of the week is it?

The Forgotten Day of Week is Wednesday!

What was the puzzle?

Let's see once again the conversation that campers had - 


Darryl: "What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday." 

Tracy: "Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday." 

Melissa: "Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday." 

Ben: "The day after tomorrow is Saturday." 

Adrienne: "The day before yesterday was Thursday." 

Susie: "Tomorrow is Saturday." 

David: "I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday."


Let's see what day statement of each is suggesting -

Darryl - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Tracy - Monday.

Melissa - Saturday.

Ben - Thursday.

Adrienne - Saturday.

Susie - Friday.

David - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.  

If we assume David's statement is TRUE then one of statements of Darryl (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday are common) or Tracy (Monday is common) or Melissa & Adrienne (Saturday is common) or Susie (Friday is common) or Ben (Thursday is common) has to be also TRUE. But this is against the given data that only 1 of the statement is TRUE.

Hence, David's statement must be FALSE and the only day that isn't pointed by David is Wednesday.

So the day must be Wednesday as suggested correctly by Darryl and thereby making statements of every other camper including David FALSE. 

The Forgotten Day of Week is Wednesday!

"Your Surname Tells My Shirt's Color!"

Mr. Yellow, Mr. Black and Mr. Brown, three best friends since kindergarten meet in a function after 5 years. The three of them are wearing either a Yellow, Black or Brown shirt.
After giving each other a friendly hug, Mr. Black says, "Hey, did you notice that we are wearing a different colored shirt than our names!"

The man wearing a Brown shirt said, "Wow I certainly did not notice that but you are right Mr. Black."

Based on this conversation, can you find our who was wearing which colored shirt? 

Different is color than surname is suggesting
Know color of each person's shirt here! 

Surnames And Shuffling of Shirts

Read this conversation first!

One thing is sure that Mr.Black is not wearing the BLACK shirt. He is also not wearing BROWN as well as we found the other person wearing the BROWN colored shirt is agreed with the statement made by Mr.BLACK in a conversation. So only color left is the YELLOW & Mr. Black must be wearing that.

Now, the colors left are BROWN and BLACK and persons left are Mr. Yellow and Mr.Brown. Since, each of them wearing different color than his surname, Mr. Brown must be wearing the BLACK shirt. And hence, Mr. Yellow is wearing the BROWN shirt! 

To conclude, Mr.Black is wearing YELLOW shirt, Mr. Brown is wearing BLACK shirt & Mr. Yellow must be wearing BROWN shirt.

Surnames suggesting different color of shirt
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