
Showing posts with the label counterfeit

"Are you holding true or fake coin?"

You have 101 coins, and you know that 50 of them are counterfeit. Every true coin has the same weight, an unknown integer, and every false coin has the same weight,which differs from that of a true coin by 1 gram. You also have a two-pan pointer scale that will show you the difference in weight between the contents of each pan. You choose one coin. 

"Are you holding true or fake coin?"

Can you tell in a single weighing whether it’s true or false?

Well, this trick will help you to identify that coin! 

Knowing The Truth of the Coin in Hand!

What was the task given?

Yes, you can tell that whether the coin is true or false with single weighting.Just divide 100 coins into 2 groups of 50 coins each & put into 2 pans of weighing balance.

Let's assume true coin weighs 1 gram (or 2 gram) & fake coin weighs 2 gram (or 1 gram). Remember, if the sum of 2 integers is even then difference between two is bound to be even. And if the sum of those is odd then difference between them has to be odd.

CASE 1 :

If the coin that you are holding is true then the total weight on the balance will be
50 + (50x2) = 50 + 100 = 150  (or 50x2 + 50 = 150). So, the total sum of weights in 2 pans is even, hence difference between them has to be even. For example, if those 150 grams are distributed as 80 vs 70 then difference between them is 10 which is even.

CASE 2 :

If the coin you are holding is fake then the total weight on the balance will be
51 + (49x2) = 51 + 98 = 149 (or 51x2 + 49x1 = 153).

Here, total is odd hence the difference must be odd too. For example, if above 149 grams are distributed as 90 vs 59 then pointer of balance will point at 31 which is odd.

Knowing The Truth of the Coin in Hand!


In short, you have to notice the difference between 2 weights on the pans. If it's even then the coin you are holding is true and if difference is odd then you are holding a fake coin.

Which Coin is Counterfeit?

You are given eight coins and told that one of them is counterfeit. The counterfeit one is slightly heavier than the other seven. Otherwise, the coins look identical. Using a simple balance scale, how can you determine which coin is counterfeit using the scale only twice?

Finding fake coin using balance
Identify The Fake Coin

This is how it can be found! 


To Identify The Counterfiet Coin!

Why it was asked to? 

1. Make a group of 3 coins each. Weigh these groups against each other.

2. If both groups weigh equal then weigh remaining 2 against each other. Heavier coin would be easily identified.

3. If one of group is heavier, then take out coins of this group.The counterfeit coin is among them.

4. Now weigh 2 of 3 coins of this group against each other.

5. If both are equal then obviously third one is counterfeit.

6. If one of them is heavier then obviously that one is counterfeit. 

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