
Showing posts with the label hourglass

Puzzle : Set Timer without Clock?

You are a cook in a remote area with no clocks or other way of keeping time other than a four-minute and a seven-minute hourglass. On the stove is a pot of boiling water. Jill asks you to cook a nine-minute egg in exactly 9 minutes, and you know she is a perfectionist and can tell if you undercook or overcook the egg by even a few seconds. 

How can you cook the egg for exactly 9 minutes?

Set Timer without Clock?

You should follow THIS process! 

Solution : Setting up Timer without Clock!

What was the challenge?

We can set up a timer of 9 minutes using 4 and 7 minutes hourglass. Below is the process-

1. Flip both the hourglasses and drop egg into the water. 

2. After 4 minutes, 4-minutes hourglass will run out. Flip and reset it. ( 4 minutes counted and 3 minutes countdown left in 7-minute hourglass).

3. After 3 minutes, the 7-minutes hourglass will run out while 1 minute countdown will be left in 4-minutes hourglass. ( So far 4 + 3 = 7 minutes counted ). 

Flip the 7-minutes hourglass thereby resetting it's timer.

4. After 1 minute, the 4-minutes hourglass will run out. ( 4 + 3 + 1 = 8 minutes counted). 

5. At this point of time there will be sand for 6 minutes countdown left in 7-minutes hourglass. Just flip it so that it count exactly 1 more minute.

Now, that's how 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 9 minutes are counted.

Setting up Timer without Clock!

An Experimental Professor

An eccentric professor used a unique way to measure time for a test lasting 15 minutes.
He used just two hourglasses. One measured 7 minutes and the other 11 minutes.

During the whole time he turned the hourglasses only few times. 

Measure 15 minutes usnig 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses

How did he measure the 15 minutes?

Couple of methods to count 15 minutes. 


15 Minutes Countdown

What was the challenge?

There were 2 ways for professor to count 15 minutes using 11 & 7 minutes hourglasses.

Method 1 :

1. He started both 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses but didn't begin test.

2. After 7 minutes hourglass ran out, he started the test. Still 11 one yet to count 4 minutes.

3. After conducting test for 4 minutes, 11 hourglass ran out.

4. Now he turns around 11 hourglass & continues. So 11 + 4 = 15 minutes counted.

Counting 15 minutes using 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses

Method 2 :

1. He started both the hourglasses & started to conduct the test as well.

2. When 7 minutes ran out he turned around it & kept 11 minutes counting.

3. After 4 minutes, 11 minutes hourglass ran out. Meanwhile 7 minutes hourglass also counted 4 minutes. So far 11 minutes counted.

4. Then he again turned around 7 minutes hourglass which had counted 4 minutes. That's how 7 minutes counted 4 minutes again.

5. In this way, 11 + 4 = 15 minutes counted.

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