
Showing posts with the label ideas

Correlation Of Playback Speed & Duration

Recently youtube added speed control on video playback on mobile app. Previously it was only for desktop browsers. Now, if I increase the speed to 1.25 then how much time I would save while viewing particular video? Would it take 25% less time than original video? 

What happens to duration if playback speed altered?

Interpreting it like that way is totally wrong way. Without going too much into technical terms, let's name 'content' for the whatever video has for it's entire duration. One thing is sure with playback speed of increased the duration for which we would view is reduced. The (oversimplified) formula in this case should be,

Checking Available Networks In All Phones

This I used to check available networks in the region before purchasing new SIM. I had found this in my first feature phone! 

1. Go to the SETTING.

2. Select PHONE.

3. Enter into NETWORK.

4. Change Operator selection to MANUAL.

5. Wait till phone scans all available networks.

6. Restore Operator Selection to AUTOMATIC otherwise it would keep asking to choose network if you go out of range for a moment.

Network setting all phones
Network Coverage

For smartphones,

1. Go to the SETTING.


3. Enter into MOBILE NETWORK.


5. Change Operator selection to MANUAL.

6. Wait till phone scans all available networks.

7. Restore Operator Selection to AUTOMATIC otherwise it would keep asking to choose network if you go out of range for a moment.

Magic To Reveal Age By Phone Number.

This message gone viral on whatsapp!



 Your Phone number will reveal your actual Age.
I do not know who discovered this?
         but it is...Really accurate.

It will take about 15 seconds,
read and do it at the same time so that you will not lose the fun.

1- Take a look at your last digit of your cell phone number

2- Use this figure and multiply by 2

3- Then add 5

4- And then multiply by 50

5-And then add the number 1766.

6- Add bonus 1 if you have celebrated your birthday this year.

7- The last step; with this number, subtract your birth year.

  First digit is  your number and last digits tell your age.

Magical maths to know age by phone number
Magical Maths

Magic demystified here! 

Maths Magic Demystified.(Age By Number)

What was the magic?

Let's assume the last digit as 'x'. Now let's go step by step & see how this x is processed.

1- Take a look at your last 4 digit of your cell phone number


2- Use this figure and multiply by 2


3- Then add 5

2x + 5

4- And then multiply by 50

50(2x+5) = 100x + 250

This puts the your mobile number's last digit at hundredth place.

5-And then add the number 1766.

100x + 250 + 1766 = 100x + 2016

6- Add bonus 1 if you have celebrated your birthday this year.

100x + 2017

7-The last step; with this number, subtract your birth year.

100x + 2017/2016 - birth year

How age is calculated by phone number...
How we calculate our age? If we have already celebrated birthday while calculating age, we take (current year - birthday year) or otherwise (previous year - birthday year). The simple equation applied here as well.

Non-Zero Number Using Only Zeros

The challenge is bringing 120 on other side of = using only 0 s. You are not allowed to use any number from 1 to 9 but allowed to use +, -, x, / .However you can use any number of zeros!

Making RHS non zero using zeros at LHS
How it could be?

Challenge accepted here! 

Non-Zero Output Using Zero Input

What was the challenge?

All you need to use ! here like below.

(0! + 0! + 0! + 0! + 0!)! = 120.

Non zero RHS using zeros at LHS

Did You Know These Whatsapp Features?

Did you know?

Are you really using all WhatsApp features?
Unheard WhatsApp

Text formatting in whatsapp.

1.Adding * at the start & end of word or sentence converts letters into bold like this.

2.Adding _ at the start & end of word or sentence converts letters into italic like this.

3.Adding ~ at the start & end of word or sentence puts a strike through like this.

4.You can use more than one special characters (*  _ ~ ) from above for the same word or statement like this or like this or like this.

5.Adding ``` at the start & end of word or sentence would change the font of the same like this.


1.In a group, type @ & find the list of all the group members. This way you can tag anybody from the group in that particular message.

2.Tap & hold any contact & tap on 'Pin' icon to make that thread always on top.

3.Tap & hold any contact , press 3 dots at right corner & tap on 'Add chat shortcut' to create chat shortcut. You can place it anywhere as other app icons.

4. You can mute notifications from particular contact by tapping & holding that contact followed by tap on mute icon

5. Long press on any message brings various option at the top.

    5.1 You can quote particular message for reference.

    5.2 You can star message to save message.

    5.3 Forward this message to any body.
    5.4 Copy message to paste it anywhere

Shortcut For 2 Digit Multiplication

Quickest way for 2X2 digits multiplications
Multiplying Shortcut

So instead of regular 2 steps, we can achieve in a single step. For understanding how it works we need to get basics right.

What we do in multiplication,

(a + b) x (c+d) = bd + ad + bc + ac.


(80 + 6) x (70 + 8)  = 6708.

This is based on mathematical expression,

(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd.

Here it is in form of,

(10a + b)(10c + d)

Creative Use Of Video Camera On Smartphone

Do you ever have thought on how things appear or disappear on a screen in a movie/serial? Well, it's not a rocket science you can do it with your smartphone camera. And if you have good video editor then you can make it like a professional.There is interesting video pause feature that every smartphone camera has which can be used to achieve this.

1. Just open camera on your smartphone.

2. Switch to the video recording mode.

3. Point to the object you want to make disappear from frame. (Or frame in which you want to bring the object)

4. Start the video recording & record for a while.

5. Now tap on 'pause' & pull out the object out of the frame.(Put in the object in frame if you decided to make it appear) 

6. Again start recording the video & record as long as you want.

7. Remember you need to hold smartphone camera steady (using stand would be better) on the frame from which object is disappearing (or in which appearing). 

Innovative use of smartphone camera

Countless ways to produce creative videos in this way. You can make object appearing & disappearing again & again in single video. The object above can be replaced by act. For example an object can appear at different locations in the same frame if 'act' of moving it from one to other location is 'removed' using above technique. With some video editing apps you can add special effects at those 'magical' instances like a pro!

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