
Showing posts with the label lateral puzzles

What is Sister-7 doing ?

There are seven sister in a house in a village where there is no electricity or 

any gadget.

Sister-1: Reading Novel

Sister-2: Cooking

Sister-3: Playing Chess

Sister-4: Playing Sudoku

Sister-5: Washing clothes

Sister-6: Gardening

what is Sister-7 doing ? 

What the sister number 7 must be doing?

She must be..... 


Playing The Chess Alone?

First read the question. 

Sister -7 must be playing Chess with Sister-3.Remember there is no gadget in room.So sister -3 must not be playing Chess on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC (no electricity). Every other activity can be done individually but for playing Chess you need partner at the other end.

No one can play chess alone!

Abnormal Looking Normal Puzzle

A donkey travels the exact same distance daily. Strangely 2 of his legs

travels 40 kilometers and the remaining two travels 41 kilometers. 

Obviously 2 donkey legs cannot be a 1km ahead of the other 2.

The donkey is perfectly normal. So how come this be true ?

How a normal donkey can do this?
 I'm perfectly normal!

Why so? Find it here! 


That Looks Perfectly Normal

What was looking abnormal? 

The donkey is moving on a circular path. Hence, his 2 legs on right (or left depending on moving clockwise or anticlockwise) moves along a circle having lesser radius than circle on which left legs are moving. The difference in circumferences of circles accounts the difference in distance traveled.

That's perfectly logical if donkey follows this path.

Jumping Safely From 33rd Floor?

A man was gazing through the window of the 33rd floor of the building. He suddenly opened the window and jumped on the other side of the window. On landing the floor, there was not a sheer mark of injury on him.

How can that be possible if he did not use any kind of parachute and did not land on a soft surface ? 

How one can survive if jumped from 33rd floor?
Why he landed safely? Find Here! 

Jump Causing No Injury

But why to jump? 

The man was cleaning the window of 33rd floor & jumped inside the room through the window after finishing his work. Jumping from few feet from landing floor rarely causes any injury.

Hardly Any Injury if Jumped In This Way!

Crossing The River In Minimum Time

Four people need to cross a dark river at night. They have only one torch and the river is too risky to cross without the torch. If all people cross simultaneously then torch light won't be sufficient. Speed of each person of crossing the river is different. Cross time for each person is 1 min, 2 mins, 7 mins and 10 mins. 

However 2 can cross together but there is one limitation.If two are crossing the river then it takes time equal to slowest person would take alone. For example, if persons with cross times 1 min & 10 mins are crossing then it would take 10 mins for both to cross the river.

What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ? 

What is the shortest time needed for all four of them to cross the river ?
Find here the efficient way! 


Hijacker's Strange Demand!

A man hijacks an aeroplane transporting both passengers (8 of them) and valuable cargo.After taking the cargo, the man demands nine parachutes, puts one of them on, and jumps, leaving the other eight behind. Why did he want other eight?

What Could Be The Reason Behind Hijacker's Strange Demand?
          I want 9!

Find the reason here! 


Hijacker's Safe Game!

And how did he play it? 

Had he demanded single parachute how can he be sure that it's not adefective one. He demanded nine with thought that cops would think that he wants to jump with all 9 passengers safely. So cops would not take risk of sending any defective parachute. 

Logic behind hijacker's strange demand!

Birbal The Wise!

Emperor Akbar once ruled over India. He was a wise and intelligent ruler, and he had in his court the Nine Gems, his nine advisors, who were each known for a particular skill. One of these Gems was Birbal, known for his wit and wisdom. 

The story below is one of the examples of his wit. Do you have it for you to find out the answer? 

A farmer and his neighbor once went to Emperor Akbar"s court with a complaint. "Your Majesty, I bought a well from him," said the farmer pointing to his neighbor, "and now he wants me to pay for the water." "That"s right, your Majesty," said the neighbor. "I sold him the well but not the water!" The Emperor asked Birbal to settle the dispute. 

Now it's very difficult to think what Birbal had in his mind at that time. Still you can give a try. How did Birbal solve the dispute? 

Birbal's argument in support of farmer

Read here how Birbal rescued the farmer! 


Justice WIth The Farmer

What's the story behind the title? 

"So you have sold the well to the farmer but not the water?" Birbal asked the neighbor. 

"Do you agree that owner of well is the farmer & you are owner of water?" Birbal asks further.

"Exactly!", neighbor replied.

Birbal now points towards the valid question - "So you need to pay rent for keeping your water in his well, or take out all of the water out of well. Don't you?"

By now the neighbor realized that he was outwitted. He had no option other than to apologize & take back his claim.

Birbal's Argument Gave Justice To The Farmer

Connect Dots with Straight Lines

Can you connect all nine dots with only four straight lines without losing contact with the paper while drawing? 

Connect all the dots with 4 straight lines

Read here how it can be done!


Connected Dots With Straight Lines

What was the challenge? 

This question often asked in personality development training courses. It needs some out of box thinking. In the question, no where it is mentioned that you line can't go beyond 3 dots. But our brain assumes that & try to find the solution according to that only!

Connected All The Dots with 4 Straight Lines

Nightclub Tragedy

An American nightclub called 'The Coconut Grove' had a terrible fire in which over 400 people died. A simple design flaw in the building led to the death toll being so high. Subsequently, regulations were changed to ensure that all public buildings throughout the country eliminated this one detail which proved so deadly.

What was it?

Get here to know what was that! 


Change In Regulations After Tragedy

What was the tragedy? 

This is based on a true story:

The doors at the Coconut Grove opened inward. In the mad dash to escape the fire, people were crushed against the doors and couldn't pull them open. After the Coconut Grove disaster in 1942, all public buildings had to have doors which opened outward.

Same Issue Different Approaches

Two newly launched firms started manufacturing soaps in their production unit. After few day, both started facing the same issue. Few soap wrappers were remaining empty without soaps within those. Both manufacturers asked their employees to find solution on this. Employees of one firm did lot of research & developed a machine to detect the empty wrappers. For that they invested lot of time & money. While employees of competitor were smart & just brought one thing from the market & solved the problem.
What was that thing? 

Manufacturers approaches towards some issue!

Know here what did they bring? 

The Most Efficient Approach Matters

What was the issue? 

The employees of other firm were smart. They just brought table fan from the market. Now they put it in front of chain where soaps with wrappers are placed & moved for the packaging at last stage of production. Air flowing from fan started flowing away empty wrappers off the chain. In this way, they invented smart way to detect the empty wrappers. A simple solution that saved a lot of money & time! 

Simple resolution on complicated concern!

"Make The Line Shorter!"

Once a teacher asked student the question that Akbar once has asked to Birbal. Teacher drawn a line on a paper with pencil & posted paper on a board. He asked students to make the line shorter without erasing by eraser or extending it with pencil.

How to make it shorter without touching it?

One of the student who knew that story of Akbar - Birbal came & just draws another bigger line ahead of previous line. Now the other line looked shorter.

How to make line shorter without touching it!
Now teacher decides to trick the students. 'Now without touching any line it make left line longer & right line shorter', he asks further.

To change positions of shorter & longer lines

The student was smart & just rotated the paper upside down. That way, now left line looked longer & right one shorter!

Genius student successfully cracked test by teacher.

What was the neighbor's solution?

An old farmer died and left 17 cows to his three sons. In his will, the farmer stated that his oldest son should get 1/2, his middle son should get 1/3, and his youngest son should get 1/9 of all the cows. The sons, who did not want to end up with half cows, sat for days trying to figure out how many cows each of them should get.

One day, their neighbor came by to see how they were doing after their father's death. The three sons told him their problem. After thinking for a while, the neighbor said: "I'll be right back!" He went away, and when he came back, the three sons could divide the cows according to their father's will, and in such a way, that each of them got a whole number of cows.

What was the neighbor's solution? 

Odd situation & neighbor's solution

Here is that solution! 


Neighbor's Solution on Old Farmer's Will

What was the problem with the will?

Neighbor went & brought a extra cow. Now there were 18 cows. The oldest son got 
1/2 x 18 = 9 cows, middle son got 1/3 x 18 = 6 cows and youngest son got 1/9 x 18 = 2 cows. In this way, total 9 + 6 + 2 = 17 cows distributed among 3 sons but left with 1 cow which neighbor took with himself. 

How neighbor helped in fulfilling farmer's will!
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