
Showing posts with the label marbles

Who Lives Where?

There are 4 big houses in my home town.

They are made from these materials: red marbles, green marbles, white marbles and blue marbles. 

Mrs Jennifer's house is somewhere to the left of the green marbles one and the third one along is white marbles.

Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house and Mr Cruz does not live at either end, but lives somewhere to the right of the blue marbles house. 

Mr Danny lives in the fourth house, while the first house is not made from red marbles. 

Who lives where, and what is their house made from ?

Who Lives Where?

HERE is step by step process to know who lives where! 

Location and Owner of Each House

What are the hints given?

Take a look at the given details once again - 


1. Mrs Jennifer's house is somewhere to the left of the green marbles one.

2. The third house along is white marbles.

3. Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house.

4. Mr Cruz does not live at either end.

5. Mr Cruz lives somewhere to the right of the blue marbles house. 

6. Mr Danny lives in the fourth house, 

7. The first house is not made from red marbles.


Let's make a table of location, owner and material used for house as below and then fill up as per given details.

Location and Owner of Each House


1.As per clue no. 6 and 7, we have,

Location and Owner of Each House

2. As per clue no.2, we have,

Location and Owner of Each House

3. The clue no.3 suggests, Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house. The only location available for this combination is second house. Hence,

Location and Owner of Each House

4. The clue no.4 indicates that Mr Cruz does not live at either end. 

So, the only place that is not at the either end is house no.3 made up of white marbles. Hence, Mr. Cruz must be living at this house.

Location and Owner of Each House

5. As per clue no.1, Jennifer needs to be somewhere to the left of the green marbles one

That green house has to be the fourth house in row and Jennifer must be living in the first house made up of blue marbles for above clue to be true.

Location and Owner of Each House

Bags of Marbles - Puzzle

There are three bags, each containing two marbles. Bag A contains two white marbles, Bag B contains two black marbles, and Bag C contains one white marble and one black marble. 

You pick a random bag and take out one marble, which is white. 

What is the probability that the remaining marble from the same bag is also white?

Bags of Marbles - Puzzle

Here is the solution! 

Bags of Marbles Puzzle - Solution

What is the puzzle?

Well, the probability that the second marble is also white should be 1/2 not 2/3 as most of answers to this puzzle claims!

There is no way that you have picked up the bag B having 2 black marbles since the first marble you have drawn is white. Hence, you must have picked up Bag A or C.

Claim :  

You chose Bag A, first white marble. The other marble will be white

You chose Bag A, second white marble. The other marble will be white

You chose Bag C, the white marble. The other marble will be black

So 2 out of 3 possibilities are white.

Hence, 2/3 is the probability of the second ball is also white.

Correct Approach :

The probability of the particular bag being picked randomly is 1/3 initially. Once the bag picked and since the marble drawn from it is white, the bag must be either A (2 whites) or C (1 white, 1 black).

The probability that the bag you picked is A (or C) must be 1/2 and hence the probability that second marble is also white (or not white) has to be also 1/2.

Bags of Marbles Puzzle - Solution

Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

There are 73 red, blue and green marbles in a jar. There are twice as many red marbles as blue marbles. There are 19 more marbles than green marbles. 

Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

How many green marbles are there?

Check if you are correct! 

Solution of Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

What was the problem?

Solution of Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

Using Algebra : 

Let r,b and g be the numbers of red, blue and green marbles in the jar.

There are 73 red, blue and green marbles in a jar.

So r + b + g = 73    .....(1)

There are twice as many red marbles as blue marbles.

r = 2b                  ......(2)

There are 19 more blue marbles than green marbles. 

b = g + 19            

g = b - 19            ......(3)

Putting (2) and (3) in (1), gives

2b + b + b - 19 = 73

4b = 92

b = 23

Putting b = 23 in (3) gives,

g = 23 - 19 = 4

Putting  b = 23 in (2), gives 

r = 2x23 = 46

So there are 46 red,23 blue and 4 green marbles in the jar.

Without Algebra :

In the case, we need to try trail and error method.

If g = 1, then b = 20 and r = 2(20) = 40 giving total 40 + 20 + 1 = 61.

If g = 2, then b = 21 and r = 2(21) = 42 giving total 42 + 21 + 2 = 65.

If g = 3, then b = 22 and r = 2(22) = 44 giving total 44 + 22 + 3 = 69.

Total is increasing at the rate of 4. So finally,

If g = 4, then b = 23 and r = 2(23) = 46 giving total 46 + 23 + 4 = 73.

So there are 46 red,23 blue and 4 green marbles in the jar.

Another Game Of Death

Jigsaw forced Mahrez and Vardy to play the game of death.

Jigsaw placed 11 marbles at the table and asked Mahrez and Vardy to pick marble(s) one by one with the following rules:

1. You need to pick at least one marble.
2. You can't pick more than five marbles.

The one that picks the last marble will die.

Mahrez to start the game.

How many marbles must Mahrez pick in order to make sure that he came out from the game alive?

Surviving in Another Game Of Death - Logical Puzzles

This should be Mahrez's Master Plan! 

Surviving In Another Game Of Death

What was the game?

Mahrez should start with the picking 4 marbles.

Now if Varde picks one Mahrez can pick 5 leaving 1 behind for Varde who in turn has to pick it in the end.

Similarly, if Varde picks 2, Mahrez need to pick 4, again leaving 1 behind.

For Varde's pick of 3,4,5; Mahrez should pick 3,2,1 respectively which will always leave behind 1 marble.

This way, Mahrez can easily survive!

Plan for Surviving In Another Game Of Death - Logical Puzzles

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