
Showing posts with the label match sticks

Correct The Incorrect

Just move 1 match stick to correct the equation.

Correct The Incorrect


Find here how to correct it!

Correcting The Incorrect

What was the wrong?

All we need to do is move 'this' pointed match stick.

Correcting The Incorrect

Now it looks like - 

Correcting The Incorrect

This is now correct equation. Isn't it?

Correct The Equation

Assume these lines as matchsticks though they don't look like by any angle. You need not to be maths expert to tell the equation is totally wrong as RHS is not equal to LHS.

The challenge here is that you are provided only 1 matchstick. You need to correct the above equation by putting that matchstick at right place. Can you?

Find the right place here! 

Correction in Wrong Equation

What was the challenge? 

So did you get the correct place for the matchstick to correct the wrong equation? Don't worry, if you didn't get it. All you need to place the matchstick near '+' sign so that it look like '4' as shown below.

Remember I had asked to assume lines as matchsticks in the question itself. 

Squares From Squares Challenge

In the picture that is attached with this question, you can find a square which comprises of four little squares inside it. Consider this square to be made with matchsticks. You have to remove two matchsticks such that only two squares remain instead of five.How will you do it ?

Make 2 from 5 by removing 2!
Make it 2!

Challenge accepted here! 


Squares From Squares Challenge Accepted

What was the challenge? 

All that you need to do is that remove these 2 match sticks labelled in figure below.

These 2 should be removed to make 2 from 5!

So we get exactly 2 squares as below.

Made 2 squares from 5 squares!

Biggest Possible Number?

The Biggest Possible Number

View question!

And the biggest possible number is 51181
Biggest Possible Number

However, 2 sticks taken from '0' can be placed ahead of  '5' & the whole image flipped vertically to get 81151.

Highest Possible Number?

Only move to 2 match sticks & form a biggest possible number.

What could be the biggest possible number?

Answered here!

The Highest Possible Number

Wait, here is question!

Just take out 2 sticks of first zero & place it like below to get 97108!

Moving these 2 to get highest

Or if it is allowed to go beyond the given space then we get, 911081.

Moving these 2 to get highest

Make Dog To Look In Opposite

Challenge here is that you need to make dog to look at opposite direction by just moving only 2 match sticks.

Make it look in opposite direction

Now Dog Looking In Opposite

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