
Showing posts with the label note

The Buyer Who is Thief

Once a man steals Rs.100 note from the shop. Later he purchases good of worth Rs.70 from the same shop using that note. The shopkeeper gives back Rs.30 in return. 

The Buyer Who is Theif

How much did shopkeeper loose in the case?

Do you think Rs.130? Or anything else? 

Loss Due To Thief Buyer

What's the case history? 

So did you just answer Rs.130 ? No, that's not correct!

Thief initially steals Rs.100 note. Now imagine instead of Rs.100 he steals goods of worth Rs. 70 + Rs.30 (given by shopkeeper). So eventually, the shopkeeper lost only Rs.100 in the process. 

In other words, the thief exchanges Rs.70 with the goods in the case. He pays for those goods to shopkeeper. So he looses Rs.70 from stolen Rs.100 & gains back via goods.

Loss Due To Thief Buyer

So eventually, the shopkeeper lost only Rs.100 in the case.


Loss Due To Fake Currency Note?

A lady buys goods worth Rs. 200 from a shop. (shopkeeper is selling the goods with zero profit). The lady gives him Rs. 1000 note. The shopkeeper gets the change from the next shop and keeps Rs. 200 for himself and returns Rs. 800 to the lady. Later the shopkeeper of the next shop comes with the Rs. 1000 note saying "duplicate" and takes his money back.

How much LOSS did the shopkeeper face?

Loss to Shopkeeper Due To Fake Currency Note?

Find that LOSS here!


'Cashless' Transaction

What was the tricky? 

The shopkeeper's getting change for Rs.1000 from the next shop is just to confuse you.
He brought Rs.1000 from that shop & gave back Rs.1000. There is no loss or profit from that end. Now he gave genuine Rs.800 & product of Rs.200 to the lady. In return, he got Rs.0 as the Rs.1000 note offered by the lady was fake one. So total loss the shopkeeper faced is of Rs.1000. 

The Shopkeeper lost only Rs.1000 in transaction!
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