
Showing posts with the label rate

Burn The Strings

You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is constant and strings are identical.

How do you measure 45 minutes?

That's how to measure 45 minutes!

Timer Using Burning Strings

What was the challenge? 

1. Burn both the ends of 1st string and 1 end of other string.

2. After 30 minutes, 1st string will be burnt out and half of the other string will be burnt out.So far we have counted 30 minutes.

3. Now burn the other end of 2nd end. It will take 15 minute to burnt out totally. This way, we have counted 30 + 15 = 45 minutes using 2 strings.

Logical Puzzle of burning strings
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