
Showing posts with the label sister

Who is The Opposite Gender?

Sam, Alex, Charlie, and Jordan are related. 

One of them is the opposite gender from the other three. Here are some facts:

1. Charlie's only son is either Sam or Alex.

2. Jordan's sister is either Alex or Charlie.

3. Jordan is either Sam's brother or Sam's only daughter.

Who is the opposite gender from the other three?

Who is The Opposite Gender?

Know here the name of the person with opposite gender! 

Charlie is The Opposite Gender!

What was the puzzle?

Given Facts : 

Sam, Alex, Charlie, and Jordan are related

1. Charlie's only son is either Sam or Alex.
2. Jordan's sister is either Alex or Charlie.
3. Jordan is either Sam's brother or Sam's only daughter.


1] As per (3), if Jordan is Sam's only daughter then Jordan must not have any sister. But this is opposite to the fact (2). Therefore, Jordan must be Sam's brother. Jordan is male for sure. 

2] If Jordan's sister is Alex (female), then as per (1), Charlie's only son (male) must be Sam. But as concluded above [1], Jordan is Sam's brother so how Charlie can have only one son? Therefore, Jordan's sister is Charlie who is obviously female.

3] If Jordan is Sam's brother [1] and Charlie is Jordan's sister then it's clear that Jordan, Sam and Charlie are siblings. And now as fact (1) suggests Charlie's only son must be Alex (male).


ALEX, JORDAN and SAM are male and CHARLIE is the opposite gender i.e. female. 

 Charlie is The Opposite Gender!


Crucial Support of a Girlfriend - Puzzle

A man escapes from jail with help from his girlfriend. Four girls are accused of being the man's girlfriend. His girlfriend is lying. Two girls are innocent and telling the truth. The other girl is the man's sister who is helping the girlfriend lie. 

Who is the man's sister?

Amanda: "Melinda is his girlfriend."

Vanessa: "Eva is lying."

Eva: "Amanda is lying."

Melinda: "Vanessa is not his sister."

Know who is man's sister! 

Crucial Support of a Girlfriend - Puzzle

Crucial Support of Girlfriend Puzzle : Solution

What was the puzzle?

What we know so far.

A man escapes from jail with help from his girlfriend. Four girls are accused of being the man's girlfriend. His girlfriend is lying. Two girls are innocent and telling the truth. The other girl is the man's sister who is helping the girlfriend lie. 

And statements of four girls are - 

Amanda: "Melinda is his girlfriend."

Vanessa: "Eva is lying."

Eva: "Amanda is lying."

Melinda: "Vanessa is not his sister."

Now, for a moment, let's assume Amanda is telling the truth. Then Melinda must be man's girlfriend who is lying. Therefore, Vanessa must be man's sister who is lying in support of man's girlfriend Melinda

So, Vanessa's lying statement suggests that Eva must be telling the truth. But as per Eva, Amanda is lying which is contrary to our initial assumption that Amanda is telling the truth.

So, Amanda must be lying.

If Amanda is lying then Eva must be telling the truth. And if Eva is telling the truth then Vanessa must be lying

With that we have 2 lying girls viz. Amanda and Vanessa & Eva as innocent girl telling the truth. Therefore, other innocent girl must be Melinda who must be telling the truth. 

So, as per innocent Melinda, Vanessa isn't a man's sister, hence Amanda must be. And Vanessa is man's girlfriend.

Crucial Support of Girlfriend Puzzle : Solution

What is Sister-7 doing ?

There are seven sister in a house in a village where there is no electricity or 

any gadget.

Sister-1: Reading Novel

Sister-2: Cooking

Sister-3: Playing Chess

Sister-4: Playing Sudoku

Sister-5: Washing clothes

Sister-6: Gardening

what is Sister-7 doing ? 

What the sister number 7 must be doing?

She must be..... 


Playing The Chess Alone?

First read the question. 

Sister -7 must be playing Chess with Sister-3.Remember there is no gadget in room.So sister -3 must not be playing Chess on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC (no electricity). Every other activity can be done individually but for playing Chess you need partner at the other end.

No one can play chess alone!

Initial Amount in Wallet?

On the festival of Raksha Bandhan (holy festival where brother-sister relationship celebrated), Mayank decides to visit his 3 sisters. He takes certain amount with in his wallet & goes to first sister. While without his notice first sister puts equal amount of money as in wallet. After tying rakhi, Mayank gifts her Rs.2000. Now he moves to second sister. While Mayank takes a breakfast, the second sister secretely doubles the money that was in Mayank's wallet. Again after tying rakhi, Mayank gifts her Rs.2000. At third sister's home, while he enjoys delicious lunch cooked by his sister, third sister doubles money in his pocket. Once again after tying rakhi, Mayank gifts third sister Rs.2000.Now there were Rs.5000 in his wallet.

How much amount Mayank had taken while leaving his home?

How much amount Mayank had taken while leaving his home?

How much amount? Find it here! 

Simple Calculation for Initial Amount

What was the puzzle? 

We need to go backward to get the answer.

3. At third sister's home he had 2000 + 5000 = 7000. So before visit he had 7000 / 2 = 3500.

2. At second sister's home he had 3500 + 2000 = 5500. This 5500 were doubled from his existing 2750 by her second sister.

1. At first sister's home he had 2750 + 2000 = 4750. His first sister had added 4750 / 2 = 2375 to his wallet in which there were Rs. 2375 already.

So Mayank took Rs. 2375 with him in his wallet while he left home.

So Mayank took Rs. 2375 with him in his wallet while he left home.

However, Mayank must had idea of that his sisters added money to his wallet without his attention.


The Man in The Photograph

A man is looking at a photograph of someone. His friend asks who it is.

The man replies, 'Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man's father is my father's son'.

Who is in the photograph?

The man replies, 'Brothers and sisters, I have none. But that man's father is my father's son'.

Know here the relationship between! 


Relation With The Man in Photograph

What was the incident? 

The person in photograph is the man's son. Since the man doesn't have any 

brothers or sisters, the statement my father's son is himself. A shortened 

version would be this man's father is myself; so he is the father of the man in

the picture.

The person in the photo is his son..
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