
Showing posts with the label student

Story of Four High School Friends

Four high school friends, one named Cathy, were about to go to college. Their last names were Williams, Burbank, Collins, and Gunderson. Each enrolled in a different college, one of them being a state college. 

From the clues below determine each person's full name, and the college he or she attended.

1. No student's first name begins with the first letter as her or his last name, and no students first name's last letter is the same as his last name's last letter.

2. Neither Hank or Williams went to the community college.

3. Alan, Collins, and the student who went to the university all lived on the same street. The other student lived two blocks away.

4. Gladys and Hank lived next door to each other.

5. The private college accepted Hank's application, but he decided he could not afford to go there.

Story of Four High School Friends

Here is ANALYSIS of the story! 

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

What was the story?


First Name : Hank, Gladys, Cathy, Alan 
Last Name : Collins, Burbank, Gunderson, Williams 
College       :  State College, University, Community College, Private College 


1. No student's first name begins with the first letter as her or his last name, and no students first name's last letter is the same as his last name's last letter.

2. Neither Hank or Williams went to the community college.

3. Alan, Collins, and the student who went to the university all lived on the same street. The other student lived two blocks away.

4. Gladys and Hank lived next door to each other.

5. The private college accepted Hank's application, but he decided he could not afford to go there.   


1] Let's make a table like below and fill it as per hints.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends
2] As per Hint (3), we have, Alan, Collins and student going to the university as 3 different students.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

3] As per (1), Collins can't be Cathy & as per (4), Cathy can't be at no.3 as in that case no blocks will be left for (4) to be true. Hence Cathy must be at no.4.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

4] As per (2), Hank and Williams are two different students. And as per (4), Gladys and Hank must be at 2 & 3 (and anyhow these are only blocks left for them) but order yet to be known. So, Williams is certainly not at 3 or 2. And as per (1), Gladys can't be Gunderson or Collins or Williams & Hank can't be Burbank.  Therefore, Hank must be Collins at 2 and Gladys must be Burbank at 3.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

5] Now, as per (1), Alan can't be Gunderson hence must be Williams and Cathy must be Gunderson. 

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

6] As per (2), neither Hank nor Williams went to community college, hence Cathy Gunderson must be. And as per (5), Hank didn't choose private college hence must have chosen state college while Alan Williams must be in private college.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

7] Therefore, the final table looks like as below.

Analysing The Story of Four High School Friends

The Lightning Fast Addition!

A  story tells that, as a 10-year-old schoolboy, Carl Friedrich Gauss was asked to find the sum of the first 100 integers. The tyrannical schoolmaster, who had intended this task to occupy the boy for some time, was astonished when Gauss presented the correct answer, 5050, almost immediately.

The Lightning Fast Addition!

How did Gauss find it?

Actually, he used this trick! 


Trick for The Lightneing Fast Addition!

Why lightning fast speed needed?

Gauss attached 0 to the series and made pairs of numbers having addition 100.

100 + 0 = 100

99 + 1 = 100

98 + 2 = 100

97 + 3 = 100

96 + 4 = 100

95 + 5 = 100
51 + 49 = 100

This way he got 50 pair of integers (ranging in between 1-100) having sum equal to 100.

So sum of these 50 pairs = 100x50 = 5000.

Trick for The Lightneing Fast Addition!
And the number 50 left added to above total to get sum of integers 1 - 100 as 5000 + 50 = 5050

An Insepection by The Superintendent

One day, a class teacher was told that the school superintendent will be visiting her class on the next day. The superintendent can ask questions from anywhere and it can be easy as well as difficult. The teacher will have the liberty to choose any pupil for answering the question.

How to impress the Superintendent?

Now she is determined that the impression that is cast upon the superintendent after the inspection should be great. How will she instruct the students so that she maximizes the chances of receiving a correct answer for each question? Also, she must create the best impression. How will she do it? 

This is what she should do! 

To Impress Superintendent

What was the resolution of teacher? 

Now what should teacher do here is to devise the 'sign' language to communicate with students. Also she needs to make sure that the superintendent won't have any doubt while questioning students.

She should ask all the students to raise hands for every question that is being asked by superintendent. However, those who know correct answers should raise right hand & rest of all should raise left hand. This way she would be able to know the students who knows the correct answer & choose any of them to answer the question.

All raised hands to each question would definitely leave great impression on the superintendent.

Sign language to communicate while inspection

Note : We are assuming superintendent not smart enough to notice that students raising different hands for different questions.

"Make The Line Shorter!"

Once a teacher asked student the question that Akbar once has asked to Birbal. Teacher drawn a line on a paper with pencil & posted paper on a board. He asked students to make the line shorter without erasing by eraser or extending it with pencil.

How to make it shorter without touching it?

One of the student who knew that story of Akbar - Birbal came & just draws another bigger line ahead of previous line. Now the other line looked shorter.

How to make line shorter without touching it!
Now teacher decides to trick the students. 'Now without touching any line it make left line longer & right line shorter', he asks further.

To change positions of shorter & longer lines

The student was smart & just rotated the paper upside down. That way, now left line looked longer & right one shorter!

Genius student successfully cracked test by teacher.

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