
Showing posts with the label wedding anniversary

The Wedding Anniversary Puzzle

Recently I attended the twelfth wedding anniversary celebrations of my good friends Mohini and Jayant. Beaming with pride Jayant looked at his wife and commented, ‘At the time we were married Mohini was 3/4 of my age, but now she is only 5/6 th.
We began to wonder how old the couple must have been each at the time of their marriage!

Can you figure it out?

Know their ages! 

The Wedding Anniversary Puzzle's Solution

What was the puzzle?

Let 'x' be the age of the Jayant & 'y' be the age of Mohini 12 years ago.

So 12 years ago,

y = (3/4)          .........(1)

And now 12 years later, the proportion is - 

y + 12 = (5/6) (x+12)  

Putting (1) in above,

(3/4) x + 12 = (5/6) x + 10

(1/12) x = 2

x = 24

Again putting this value in (1),

y = (3/4) 24 = 18

So, the age of Jayant was 24 and that of Mohini was 18 at the time of marriage. And now after 12 years, they are 36 and 30 years old respectively.  
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