
Showing posts with the label week

What day of the week is it?

A group of campers have been on vacation so long, that they've forgotten the day of the week. 

The following conversation ensues. 

Darryl: "What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday." 

Tracy: "Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday." 

Melissa: "Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday." 

Ben: "The day after tomorrow is Saturday." 

Adrienne: "The day before yesterday was Thursday." 

Susie: "Tomorrow is Saturday." 

David: "I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday." 

If only one person's statement is true, what day of the week is it?

The Forgotten Day of Week is Wednesday!

What was the puzzle?

Let's see once again the conversation that campers had - 


Darryl: "What's the day? I don't think it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday." 

Tracy: "Well that doesn't narrow it down much. Yesterday was Sunday." 

Melissa: "Yesterday wasn't Sunday, tomorrow is Sunday." 

Ben: "The day after tomorrow is Saturday." 

Adrienne: "The day before yesterday was Thursday." 

Susie: "Tomorrow is Saturday." 

David: "I know that the day after tomorrow is not Friday."


Let's see what day statement of each is suggesting -

Darryl - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Tracy - Monday.

Melissa - Saturday.

Ben - Thursday.

Adrienne - Saturday.

Susie - Friday.

David - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.  

If we assume David's statement is TRUE then one of statements of Darryl (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday are common) or Tracy (Monday is common) or Melissa & Adrienne (Saturday is common) or Susie (Friday is common) or Ben (Thursday is common) has to be also TRUE. But this is against the given data that only 1 of the statement is TRUE.

Hence, David's statement must be FALSE and the only day that isn't pointed by David is Wednesday.

So the day must be Wednesday as suggested correctly by Darryl and thereby making statements of every other camper including David FALSE. 

The Forgotten Day of Week is Wednesday!

A New Word Every Day!

During a six-day period from Monday through Saturday, Eliza Pseudonym and her friends Anna, Barbra, Carla, Delilah, and Fiona have subscribed to an internet mailing list that features a new word every day

No two women subscribed on the same day. On each day during the six-day period, a different word has been featured (abulia, betise, caryatid, dehisce, euhemerism, and floruit, in some order). 

From the clues below, determine the day on which each woman subscribed, and the day on which each word was featured.

1. Exactly one of the women has a name beginning with the same letter of the alphabet as the word featured on the day that she subscribed to the mailing list.

2. The word "caryatid" was featured precisely two days prior to Fiona joining the mailing list.

3. Carla joined the mailing list on Friday.

4. Anna signed up for the mailing list precisely one day after the word "euhemerism" was highlighted.

5. Wednesday's word did not end with the letter "e".

6. Barbra subscribed precisely three days after the word "dehisce" was featured.

Here is every word of woman of the day! 

A New Word Every Day!

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day

What was the challenge?

As we know, Eliza Pseudonym and her friends Anna, Barbra, Carla, Delilah, and Fiona have subscribed to an internet mailing list that features a new word every day. No two women subscribed on the same day. On each day during the six-day period, a different word has been featured (abulia, betise, caryatid, dehisce, euhemerism, and floruit, in some order).

And given clues are - 


1. Exactly one of the women has a name beginning with the same letter of the alphabet as the word featured on the day that she subscribed to the mailing list.

2. The word "caryatid" was featured precisely two days prior to Fiona joining the mailing list.

3. Carla joined the mailing list on Friday.

4. Anna signed up for the mailing list precisely one day after the word "euhemerism" was highlighted.

5. Wednesday's word did not end with the letter "e".

6. Barbra subscribed precisely three days after the word "dehisce" was featured.


Let's make a table like below and fill it one by one as per clues.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day
 STEPS :  

1] As per (3), Carla joined the mailing list on Friday. And as per (6), Barbra's subscription day must be Thursday, Friday or Saturday with word 'dehisce' on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. 

But as per (5), ''dehisce'' can't be on Wednesday and Carla has already joined on Friday, hence Barbra must have joined on Thurday with word "dehisce" featured on Monday.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day

2] Only possible location for "caryatid" and Fiona for (2) to be true are Thursday and Saturday respectively. That's because Monday is already 'occupied' by "dehisce" so Fiona can't be on Wednesday. And as we can see, Thursday and Friday already 'occupied' by Barbra and Carla.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day

3] With that, for (4) to be true, only possible location for "euhemerism" is Tuesday and for Anna is Wednesday.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day

4] As per (1), Delilah and Eliza can't be on Monday & Tuesday at a time as that will violate (1). Therefore, Delilah must be on Tuesday and Eliza on Monday.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day
5] As per (5), "betise can't appear on Wednesday. 

Suppose it appears on Friday. 

CASE 1 : The word "abulia" with Anna on Wednesday & "floruit" with Fiona on Saturday. This violates (1), as there would be 2 women have names beginning with the same letter of the alphabet as the word featured on the day that she subscribed to the mailing list.

CASE 2 :  The word "floruit" with Anna on Wednesday & "abulia" with Fiona on Saturday. Again, this is against (1), as there is no woman has a name beginning with the same letter of the alphabet as the word featured on the day that she subscribed to the mailing list.

Therefore, "betise" must be appearing on Saturday, "floruit" on Friday and "abulia" on Wednesday with Anna.

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day


The final table looks like -

Assigned Word to the Woman of the Day

"What day is it?"

A girl meets a lion and unicorn in the forest. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and the other days of the week he speaks the truth. 

“Yesterday I was lying,” the lion told the girl. “So was I,” said the unicorn. 

What day is it?

"What day is it?"

It must be .... day of the week. Click to know.

"The day must be a Thursday!"

Little story behind the title! 

Lion lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and The Unicorn, on the other hand, lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

That is on Sundays both must be telling the truth. 

Suppose Lion and Unicorn made those statements today.

Lion - “Yesterday I was lying,”  

Unicorn - “So was I,”  (“Yesterday I was too lying,” ) 

If it was Sunday today, then Lion's statement would have been lie as lion tells truth on Saturdays. But as per data, both must be telling the truth on Sundays. So it can't be Sunday today.

For rest of all days, one must be telling the truth and other must be lying.


CASE 1 : Lion is lying and Unicorn is truth teller.

For Unicorn's statement - “Yesterday I too was lying,” to be true it must be Sunday today. But on Sunday, lion also speaks truth. And lion's statement can't be true on Sunday as concluded earlier. 

Hence, today must be the case below.

CASE 2 : Lion is truth teller and Unicorn is lying.

Again for Lion's statement - “Yesterday I was lying,” to be true it must be Thursday today. 

And if today is Thursday Unicorn is lying with it's statement - "“Yesterday I too was lying,” as it was Wednesday yesterday where Unicorn always tells truth on Wednesday. 

"The day must be a Thursday!"

Hence, today, on Thursday, Unicorn must be lying with his statement while Lion is telling the truth. Both are as per behaving the given data.

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