
Showing posts with the label win

Who Will Win the Race? You or I ?

Here’s a long corridor with a moving walkway. Let’s race to the far end and back. We’ll both run at the same speed, but you run on the floor and I’ll run on the walkway, going “downstream” to the far end and “upstream” back to this point. 

Who will win?

Who Will Win the Race? You or I ?

"You Will Be Winner of the Race!"

How race was conducted?

Let's assume that we have to run 60 units forward & 60 units backward i.e. total 120 units of distance.

Let 10 units be the speed of the moving walkway. Then I have to run faster than 10 while coming back "upstream" to reach at the source again.

So let 20 units be the our speed of running.

Speed = Distance/Time

Time = Distance/Speed

Time that you need to complete the race = 120/20 = 6 unit.

Time that I need to go forward = 60/(20+10) = 2 units.

Time that I need to come back = 60/(20-10) = 6 units.

"You Will Be Winner of the Race!"


Time that I need to complete the race = 4 + 12 = 8 units.

I will require more time to complete the race, that's why you will be the winner of the race!  

The Race Between 2 Brothers

Zachary challenges his brother Alexander to a 100-meter race. Alexander crosses the finish line when Zachary has covered only 97 meters.

The two agree to a second race, and this time Alexander starts 3 meters behind the starting line.

The Race Between 2 Brothers
If both brothers run at the same speed as in the first race, who will win?

He will win the second race for sure! 


Winner of The Race Between 2 Brothers

What was the race of?

Let's assume that, Alexander completes the first race in time 't'. That means, he reaches at the finish line after running 100m after time 't' since start of the race. In the same time interval, Zachary could reach only 97m.

Now, in second race too, Alexander covers 100m once again in time interval 't' & Zachary runs 97m distance. Since, Alexander started 3m ahead of start line, at this point of time both are at the same point with 3m left to complete the race. 

Since, Alexander had won first race with faster speed & speed of both are unchanged in second race, it's clear that Alexander will take less time to cover leftover 3m distance. Hence, Alexander will be winner of the second race. 


Let's suppose Alexander took 10s to complete the first race. Then, his speed is 100/10 = 10m/s.

In 10s, the Zachary could run only 97m. So, his speed is 97/10 = 9.7m/s.

In the second race, their respective speeds are unchanged but Alexander has to run 103m to reach at the finish line compared to 100m of Zachary.

Hence, time taken by Alexander to reach at the finish line = 103/10 = 10.3s and that taken by Zachary = 100/9.7 = 10.30929s.

It's clear that Zachary needs more time to finish this race too. Hence, Alexander will be the winner in this race as well. He beats Zachary by 100 - (10.3x9.7) = 0.09m.

Develop an Unbeatable Strategy!

Consider a two player coin game where each player gets turn one by one. There is a row of even number of coins, and a player on his/her turn can pick a coin from any of the two corners of the row. The player that collects coins with more value wins the game. 

Develop a strategy for the player making the first turn, such he/she never looses the game.

Note : The strategy to pick maximum of two corners may not work. In the following example, first player looses the game when he/she uses strategy to pick maximum of two corners.


Example :

  18 20 15 30 10 14

First Player picks 18, now row of coins is
  20 15 30 10 14

Second player picks 20, now row of coins is
  15 30 10 14

First Player picks 15, now row of coins is
  30 10 14

Second player picks 30, now row of coins is
  10 14

First Player picks 14, now row of coins is

Second player picks 10, game over.

Develop an Unbeatable Strategy!

The total value collected by second player is more (20 +
30 + 10) compared to first player (18 + 15 + 14).
So the second player wins.

This is the unbeatable strategy! 

The Unbeatable Strategy for a Coin Game!

Why strategy needed in the case?

Let's recall the example given in the question.


  18 20 15 30 10 14

First Player picks 18, now row of coins is
  20 15 30 10 14

Second player picks 20, now row of coins is
  15 30 10 14

First Player picks 15, now row of coins is
  30 10 14

Second player picks 30, now row of coins is
  10 14

First Player picks 14, now row of coins is

Second player picks 10, game over.

The total value collected by second player is more (20 +
30 + 10) compared to first player (18 + 15 + 14).
So the second player wins.


Here, it's very clear that the player who chooses coins numbered at even positions wins & the one who chooses odd position loses.

So first player who is going to choose coin first need to be smart. All that he/she need to do is make sum of values of all coin at even position, sum of values of all coins at odd positions and compare them. 

If he finds the sum of values of coins at odd position greater then he should choose 1st coin (odd position) followed by 3rd,5th.....(odd positions) & force other to choose even coins

And if he finds the sum of values of coins at even positions greater then he should choose
last coin (which is at even position as number of coins are even).

For example, in above case, 

  18 20 15 30 10 14

first player calculates 

Sum of odd coins = 18 + 15 + 10 = 43
Sum of even coins = 20 + 30 + 14 = 64.  

Since sum of even coins is greater, he should choose 6th coin (which will be followed by 4th and 2nd) and force other player to choose 5th,3rd and 1st coin.

Even in case second player selects 1st coin after 14 at other corner is selected by first, still he can be forced to choose the coin at 3rd position (odd position) if first player selects 2nd coin.

The Unbeatable Strategy for a Coin Game!

In short, first player need to make sure that he collects all the coins that are at even positions or odd position whichever has greater sum!   

Note that the total number of coins in the case can't be odd as then distribution of coins among 2 will be unequal.

Unfair Game of Strange dice

Katherine and Zyan are playing a game using strange dice. Each die is a cube with six sides. Katherine's die has sides numbered 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 6. Zyan's die has sides numbered 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 5.

To play the game, Katherine and Zyan roll their dice at the same time and whoever rolls the higher value wins. If they play many times, who will win more frequently, Katherine or Zyan?

This person will be winning more! 

Advantage in Unfair Game of Strange Dice

What was the game?

Shortest Way : 

Katherine's die has sides numbered 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 6. And Zyan's die has sides numbered 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 5. That means whenever Zyan rolls a 2 then Katherine will always win. The probability that Zyan rolls 2 is 3/6 = 1/2. So in half of the cases, the Katherine will be winner of the game. Moreover, whenever, Zyan rolls a 5, Katherine can win if she rolls a 6. In short, in more than half cases, Katherine will win hence she has more advantage in this game.

Precise Way : 

Katherine will win if

1. Zyan rolls a 2 with probability 3/6 = 1/2

2. Zyan rolls a 5 (probability 3/6 = 1/2) and Katherine rolls a 6 (probability 1/6). So the probability for this win = 1/12.

Hence, Katherine has got 1/2 + 1/12 = 7/12 chances of winning.

Zyan will win if he rolls a 5 (probability 1/2) and Katherine rolls a 3 (probability 5/6) with probability = 1/2 x 5/6 = 5/12.  

That proves, Katherine has more chances (7/12 vs 5/12) of winning this game. 

Another Way : 

Advantage in Unfair Game of Strange Dice

There can be 36 possible cases of numbers of cubes out of which in 15 cases Zyan seems to be winning and in 21 cases, Katherine is winning. Again, Katherine having more chances of winning (21/36 = 7/12) than Zyan (15/36 = 5/12). 

Three Hat Colors Puzzle

A team of three people decide on a strategy for playing the following game.  

Each player walks into a room.  On the way in, a fair coin is tossed for each player, deciding that player’s hat color, either red or blue.  Each player can see the hat colors of the other two players, but cannot see her own hat color.  

After inspecting each other’s hat colors, each player decides on a response, one of: “I have a red hat”, “I had a blue hat”, or “I pass”.  The responses are recorded, but the responses are not shared until every player has recorded her response.  

The team wins if at least one player responds with a color and every color response correctly describes the hat color of the player making the response.  In other words, the team loses if either everyone responds with “I pass” or someone responds with a color that is different from her hat color.

What strategy should one use to maximize the team’s expected chance of winning?

Three Hat Colors Puzzle

These could be the strategies to maximize the chances of winning!

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

What's the puzzle? 

There can be two strategies to maximize the chances of winning in the game.

STRATEGY - 1 :   

There are 8 different possible combinations of three color hats on the heads of 3 people. If we assume red is represented by 0 & blue by 1 then those 8 combinations are - 

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

Here only 2 combinations are there where all are wearing either red or blue hats. That is 2/8 = 25% combinations where all are wearing hat of same color and 6/8 = 75% combinations where either 1 is wearing the different colored hat than the other 2.  In short, at least 2 will be wearing either red or blue in 75% of combinations.

Now for any possible combination, there will be 2 hats of the same color (either blue or red). The one who sees the same color of hats on heads of other two should tell the opposite color as there are 75% such combinations. That will certainly increase the chances of winning to 75%.

STRATEGY 2 :    

Interestingly, here 3 responses from each member of team are possible viz RED (R), BLUE (B) and PASS (P). And every member can see 3 possible combinations of hats on the heads of other 2 which are as 2 RED (2R) 2 BLUE (2B) and 1RED:1BLUE (RB). See below.

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

Let's think as instructor of this team. We need to cover up all the possible 8 combinations in form of responses in the above table. 

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

For every possible combination, at least 1 response need to be correct to ensure win. But out of 9 above, 3 responses of 'PASS' are eliminated as they won't be counted as correct responses. So we are left with only 6. Let's see how we can do it.

First of let's take case of 2R. There are 2 responses where A sees 2 RED hats (000,100). We can't make sure A's response correct in both cases. So let A's response for this case be R. So whenever this 000 combination will appear A's response will secure win.

After covering up 000, let's cover up 001. For that, C's response should be B whenever she sees 2 red hats on other 2. And only left response P would be assigned to B.

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

So far,we have covered up these 2 combination via above responses.  

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution


Now, let's take a case of 2B. A can see 2B hats whenever there 011 or 111 appears. Since A's R response is already used previously, let B be her response in the case. So the combination 111 will be covered up with A's response.  

B can see 2B hats in case of 101 or 111. Since 111 is already covered above, to cover up 101, B should say R whenever she sees 2 BLUE hats on the heads of other 2. With this only response left for C in case of 2B is P.

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution
With these responses, we have covers of so far,

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

After filling remaining 1 possible response in response table for every team member in case of 1 RED and 1 BLUE hat, 

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

 B's response as BLUE in this case will ensure win whenever 011 or 110 combination will appear. Similarly, C's response as a RED will secure win whenever 010 or 100 appears as a combination.

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

In this way, there will be at least 1 response correct for every possible 8 combinations. This strategy will give us 100% chances of winning this game!

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution

The above table shows who is going to respond correctly for the given combination ( the block of combination & correct response are painted with the same background color).

The same strategy can be summarized with very simple logic. 

There must be someone to say RED whenever she sees 2 RED hats; someone should say BLUE and remaining one should say PASS. Similarly, one has to say BLUE; other should say RED & third one should say PASS whenever 2 BLUE hats are seen. Same logic to be followed in case of 1 RED and  1 BLUE hats seen. But while doing this, we need to make sure responses are well distributed & not repeated by single member of team (See table below).

Three Colors Hats Puzzle - Solution
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