
Which way is the bus going? Left or Right?

Can you guess in which direction this bus is going?

 Left or Right? Which way is the bus going?

Are you in the right direction?

Bus is Moving In 'This' Direction!

Why dirction was asked to find? 

Well, it totally depends on the location of the bus. How? Read further.

If you look at it carefully, then you can notice that the doors of the bus are missing.
That clearly indicates, those must be on the other side of bus.

Hence if bus is on the roads of India then it must have doors at it's left side & hence the bus must be moving in the right direction.

Bus is Moving In 'RIGHT' Direction!

While in some countries, bus might have doors at the right; in the case the bus must be moving in left direction. 

Bus is Moving In 'LEFT' Direction!

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