
Maximize The Chance of White Ball

There are two empty bowls in a room. You have 50 white balls and 50 black balls. After you place the balls in the bowls, a random ball will be picked from a random bowl. Distribute the balls (all of them) into the bowls to maximize the chance of picking a white ball. 

Maximize The Chance of White Ball

This is the way to maximize the chances!

Way to Maximize White Ball Probability

What was the task given?

Let's distribute 50 black ball in one bowl & other 50 white ball in another bowl.


Probability (White Ball) = (1/2)(0/50) + (1/2)(50/50) = 0.5.

Now, if 1 white ball is kept in 1 bowl and other 49 white + 50 black = 99 balls in other bowl, then

Probability (White Ball) = (1/2)(1/1) + (1/2)(49/99) = 0.747.

Way to Maximize White Ball Probability

That's nearly equal to 3/4 which is certainly higher than the previous case. And that's the way of maximizing the probability of white ball.
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