
Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

The Seven Dwarfs are having breakfast, and Snow White has just poured them some milk. Before drinking, the dwarfs have a ritual. First, Dwarf #1 splits his milk equally among his brothers' mugs (leaving himself with nothing). Then Dwarf #2 does the same with his milk, etc. The process continues around the table, until Dwarf #7 has distributed his milk in this way. (Note that Dwarf #7 is named Dopey!) At the end, each dwarf has exactly the same amount of milk as he started with!

Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs
How much milk does each cup contain, if there were 42 ounces of milk altogether?

Finding difficult? Click here for answer! 

Behind the Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

What was the story?

First thing is very clear that Dwarf 7 must have 0 ounces of milk at the start and end. Let's assume that 'a' be the maximum amount of milk (in ounces) that any dwarf has in his mug at any point of time. 

For a moment, let's assume Dwarf 1 himself has this 'a' amount of milk.

Behind the Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

Now, when D1 distributes his 'a' amount of milk among 6 others, D7 receives 'a/6' amount of milk. At this point of time somebody else will be having maximum amount of milk 'a'. Let D2 be that person now having milk 'a'.

Behind the Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

Next is D2's turn where he gives a/6 to all. So now D1 has a/6, D7 has 2a/6 and somebody else say D3 has maximum a. Continuing in this way, for each Dwarf's turn gives - 

Behind the Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

Now, when we assumed D2 has maximum milk amount a after receiving a/6 from D1, then it's clear that he must had earlier 5a/6. Similarly, D3 had maximum amount of milk a after receiving a/6 from D1 and D2 indicates that he had 4a/6 milk initially. Continuing in this way, we can find the amount of milk each had initially like below.

Behind the Story of 7 Generous Dwarfs

So at any point of time, the milk distribution is like a, 5a/6, 4a/6, 3a/6, 2a/6, a/6, 0 where amounts are distributed among 7 dwarfs in cyclic order. But the total amount of milk available is 42 ounces.Hence, 

a + 5a/6 + 4a/6 + 3a/6 + 2a/6 + a/6 +  0 = 42

a + 15a/6 = 42

a + 5a/2 = 42

7a = 84

a = 12.

That means at any point of time the maximum amount of milk that one dwarf can have is equal to 12 ounces. And then others would have 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0.

To conclude, the 7 dwarfs had 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 ounces of milk initially.  

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