
The Numbered Hats Test!

One teacher decided to test three of his students, Frank, Gary and Henry. The teacher took three hats, wrote on each hat an integer number greater than 0, and put the hats on the heads of the students. Each student could see the numbers written on the hats of the other two students but not the number written on his own hat.

The teacher said that one of the numbers is sum of the other two and started asking the students:

— Frank, do you know the number on your hat?

— No, I don’t.

— Gary, do you know the number on your hat?

— No, I don’t.

— Henry, do you know the number on your hat?

— No, I don’t.

Then the teacher started another round of questioning:

— Frank, do you know the number on your hat?

— No, I don’t.

— Gary, do you know the number on your hat?

— No, I don’t.

— Henry, do you know the number on your hat?

— Yes, it is 144.

What were the numbers which the teacher wrote on the hats?

The Numbered Hats Test!

Here are the other numbers!


Cracking Down The Numbered Hats Test

What was the test?

Even before the teacher starts asking, the student must have realized 2 facts.

1. In order to identify numbers in this case, the numbers on the hats has to be in proportion i.e. multiples of other(s). Like if one has x then other must have 2x,3x etc.

2. Two hats can't have the same number say x as in that case third student can easily guess the own number as 2x since x-x = 0 is not allowed.


Now, if numbers on the hats were distributed as x, 2x, 3x then the student wearing hat of number 3x would have quickly responded with correct guess. That's because he can see 2 number as x and 2x on others hats and he can conclude his number as x + 2x = 3x since 
2x - x = x is invalid combination (x, x, 2x) where 2 numbers are equal.

Other way, he can think that the student with hat 2x would have guessed own number correctly if I had x on my own hat. Hence, he may conclude that the number on his hat must be 3x.

But in the case, all responded negatively in the first round of questioning. So x, 2x, 3x combination is eliminated after first round.


That means it could be x, 3x, 4x combination of numbers on the hats.

In second round of questioning, Henry guessed his number correctly.

If he had seen 3x and 4x on other 2 hats then he wouldn't have been sure with his number whether it is x or 7x.

Similarly, he must not have seen x and 4x as in that case as well he couldn't have concluded whether his number is either 5x or 3x.

But when he sees x and 3x on other hats he can tell that his number must be 4x as 2x (x,2x,3x combination) is eliminated in previous round!

So Henry can conclude that his number must be 4x.

Since, he said his number is 144,

4x = 144

x = 36

3x = 108.

Cracking The Numbered Hats Test

Hence, the numbers are 36, 108, 144.
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