
The Watermelon Paradox

There is a 100 pound watermelon laying out in the sun. 99 percent of the watermelon's weight is water. After laying out for a few hours 98 percent of the watermelon's weight is water.

How much water evaporated?

The Watermelon Paradox

The calculation is TRICKY one! 

Tricky Watermelon Water Weight Calculation

What is the question?

Initially, since 99% of watermelon is water, the weight of water must be 99 pounds and weight of other stuffs should be 1 pound.

After evaporation, 98% of watermelon is water indicates that the there is 2% of other stuff present at the point of time. 

That is, if we assume the weight of other stuff unchanged during evaporation, now 1 pound itself is equal to the 2% of total weight of watermelon.

In other words, the process of evaporation increased percent weight of other stuffs in total weight of watermelon from 1% to 2%.

If W is the total weight of watermelon, then weight of other stuffs (which is 1 pound)

W x (2/100) = 1 pound

W = 50 Pounds.

Out of these 50 pound, 1 pound (2% of total weight) is other stuffs and 49 pounds is water (98% of total weight).

That means, out of 99 pounds of water, 99 - 49 = 50 pounds of water is evaporated in the process. 

Tricky Watermelon Water Weight Calculation

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