
The Jungle On The Plot of Land

There is a plot of land that is 16 square acres, arranged in a 4 X 4 grid. There are 16 mammals, two each of the following: beaver, cat, dog, goat, horse, lion, tiger, and walrus. There is one mammal in each acre. The acres are labeled A through P, as shown below.


Given the following clues, determine where each mammal is located. The terms "next to" and "connected together" mean vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

1) A and D do not contain the same mammal, but one of them has a dog.

2) E and O do not contain the same mammal, but one of them has a horse.

3) B and L contain the same mammal, but not a tiger.

4) C and M contain the same mammal, but not a beaver.

5) F, K, N, and P are four different mammals.

6) The tigers are in different columns.

7) The goats are located in two of the following locations: B, C, K, and O.

8) The lions are located in two of the following locations: A, E, F, and M.

9) Cats don't get along with dogs, so neither cat is next to a dog.

10) Tigers have goats on their menu, so each tiger must be next to at least one goat and each goat must be next to at least one tiger.

11) The beavers and walruses live on the same body of water, so all four must be connected together in some fashion.

The Jungle On The Plot of Land

Click to know how animals are located! 

Oraganised Jungle On The Plot of Land

What was the puzzle?

As per given data - 

There is one mammal in each of 16 acres arranged in 4 x 4 grids. The acres are labeled A through P, as shown below.


Given the following clues, determine where each mammal is located. The terms "next to" and "connected together" mean vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

1) A and D do not contain the same mammal, but one of them has a dog.

2) E and O do not contain the same mammal, but one of them has a horse.

3) B and L contain the same mammal, but not a tiger.

4) C and M contain the same mammal, but not a beaver.

5) F, K, N, and P are four different mammals.

6) The tigers are in different columns.

7) The goats are located in two of the following locations: B, C, K, and O.

8) The lions are located in two of the following locations: A, E, F, and M.

9) Cats don't get along with dogs, so neither cat is next to a dog.

10) Tigers have goats on their menu, so each tiger must be next to at least one goat and each goat must be next to at least one tiger.

11) The beavers and walruses live on the same body of water, so all four must be connected together in some fashion. 


1] As per Hint 3, blocks B & L contains the same mammal.  As per Hint 4, blocks C & M have the same mammal. So, as per Hint 7 suggests, the goats must be in K & O because if they are in B & C then L & M also supposed to have them but there are total 2 goats only. K - GOAT, O - GOAT

2] If O has a goat then as per Hint 2, E must have a horse.  E - HORSE

3] As per Hint 8, if Lion is located at M then as per Hint 3 the second lion must be in B. But Hint 8 doesn't list B as possible location of lions. Hence, it must not be in M. Also, E is already occupied by horse, hence lions must be at A & F.

4] So if A has lion, then as per Hint 1, D must have a dog. D - DOG

5] Since C is just near to the D having a dog, as per Hint 9, C can't have cats. As per Hint 10, tigers should be in the 3x3 grids around the goats and goats are located at K and O. But M is out of these grids, hence must not have tigers.

6] And as per Hint 4, C & M having same mammal, but not beaver. As deduced above, it can't be cats or tigers either. With 1 dog already at D, 1 Horse at E, both C & M can't have dogs or horses. Hence, C & M must have walruses (only left mammal out of 8 kind of mammals). C - WALRUS, M - WALRUS

7] As per Hint 11, for walruses (at C & M) to be connected with beavers in some fashion, they must be at G and J. So, G & J have beavers.

8] Since Hint 3 suggests that B & L are not having tigers, the only animals left in terms of numbers of 2 for to be at B & L are cats. So B & L have cats. B - CAT, L - CAT

9] So far, we have, A - Lion, B - Cat, C - Walrus, E - Horse D - Dog, F - Lion, 
G -  Beaver, J - Beaver, K - Goat, L -  Cat, M - Walrus, O - Goat. Blocks left are  H, I, N, P

10] As per Hint 10 & with goats at K and O, tigers can't be at I. So possible blocks for tigers are H, N and P.

11] But as per Hint 6, tigers has to be in different columns and H & P are in the same column. Also, as per Hint 5, N & P can't have same mammals. And since, H & P falls under same column, the tigers must be occupying N and H. 

12] Since one cat is at L, P can't be a dog. Hence, I must be having a dog and P must be having a horse.  I - DOG, P - HORSE.


A = lion, B = cat, C = walrus, D = dog
E = horse, F = lion, G = beaver, H = tiger
I = dog, J = beaver, K = goat, L = cat
M = walrus, N = tiger, O = goat, P = horse

Oraganised Jungle On The Plot of Land


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