Little Performers at The Thanksgiving Pageant
What was the puzzle?
Given Data :
STUDENTS : Allison, Jerry, Bonnie, Bill
CHARACTERS : Indian warrior, Pilgrim, Indian maiden, Deer
PROPS : Pumpkin, Fish, Basket of corn, Colored leaves
ACT : Poem, Song, Dance, Narrator
LAST NAMES : Lee, Newton, Myers, Schuler
AGE : 13, 12, 11, 10
Given Clues :
1. Mrs. Lee made her daughter's costume and also the costumes of the Indian maiden and the dancer.
2. Mr. Myers helped his son rehearse his poem.
3. The dancer was older than Lee and the pilgrim, but younger than Allison.
4. The 11-year-old ripped her deer outfit, but her mother pinned it.
5. Newton carried his fish during his tribal dance.
6. Jerry's pumpkin was a symbol of the feast for the pilgrims.
7. The Indian maiden carried corn as she sang the song of feasting.
First of all let's make a table like below & fill it as per clues.
1] As per clue (1), student having last name Lee, an Indian maiden and dancer are three different students.
2] As per (3), the dancer must be 12 years old with Lee and Pilgrim having age 10 & 11 but order yet to be known. With that Allison must be 13 years old. This clue also suggests that the dancer or Lee isn't pilgrim.
3] The clue (5) clearly suggest that Newton is dancer carrying fish as a property. Also, clue (6) suggests Jerry is pilgrim having pumpkin. And clue (7) suggests that, Indian Maiden sung a song while carrying a basket of corn.
4] With that, we can conclude that Lee must be carrying colored leaves. Also, the clue (4) must be pointing at Lee now. So Lee is 11 years old wearing deer outfit.
5] It's clear now that Newton is Indian Warrior. And, 10 years old (STEP 2) Jerry is Myers who father helped him to rehearse his poem as per clue (2).
6] Since Allison is 13 years old, she must be Indian Maiden carrying a basket of corn while singing a song. She must have last name Schuler - the only last name left. Since (1) suggests Lee is girl, her name must be Bonnie who is narrator carrying a colored leaves. Finally, first name of Newton must be Bill.
7] So, the final table looks as -