
Master Plan for Gold Stealing Servant

Where story begins? 

We need to take coins from each of 10 bags to test.

Number all the servants & their respective bags from 1-10. Now take 1 coin from first bag, 2 coins from second bag, 3 coins from third bag & so on to 10 coins from tenth bag. Put all those on digital scale. In normal case, with no corruption it would weigh in the case as 55 x 10 = 550 gm. But coins from one of the bag weighs 1 gm less. So if it weighs 1 gm less then 1st coin that came from first bag is filed one & hence first servant is corrupt. If it weighs 548 gm then coins from second bag are reduced ones & hence second servant is corrupt.

Depending on how many gm less than 550 gm it weighs the bag with manipulated coins can be identified & respective servant can be fired.  

This is how to identify the corrupt servant!

Fair Distribution of Assets

A man is the owner of a winery who recently passed away. In his will, he left 21 barrels (seven of which are filled with wine, seven of which are half full, and seven of which are empty) to his three sons. However, the wine and barrels must be split, so that each son has the same number of full barrels, the same number of half-full barrels, and the same number of empty barrels. 

Note that there are no measuring devices handy. How can the barrels and wine be evenly divided?

How to fairly distribute winery barrels?

This is how it can be done?


Fairly Distributed Assets

What was dilemma? 

We have to make number of each barrel type divisible by 3.

1.Two half-full barrels are poured into 1 empty barrel. So we left with 8 full, 5 half-empty & 8 empty barrels.

2.Again transfer two half-fulled barrels into 1 empty. Now we have 9 full, 3 half-empty & 9 empty barrels.

Now it can be evenly divided as 3 full, 1 half-empty & 3 empty barrels (hence wine) among 3 sons. 

Fair distribution of assets among 3 sons

Mislabeled Boxes of Marbles

Three closed boxes have either white marbles, black marbles or both and they are labeled white, black and both. However, you’re told that each of the labels are wrong. You may reach into one of the boxes and pull out only one marble. Which box should you remove a marble from to determine the contents of all three boxes? 

How to correct the labels?
 Mislabeled !

Find here how it can be done!  

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