
Tic Tac Toe Skills Tested

What was the challenge? 

It's pretty simple. All you need to do is not to start from the center!

6 X on Tic Tac Toe without 3 in row

Another way,

6 X on Tic Tac Toe without 3 in row

Grandma's Birthday And Troll Toll

You are on your way to visit your Grandma, who lives at the end of the valley. It's her birthday, and you want to give her the cakes you've made.

Between your house and her house, you have to cross 7 bridges, and as it goes in the land of make believe, there is a troll under every bridge! Each troll, quite rightly, insists that you pay a troll toll. Before you can cross their bridge, you have to give them half of the cakes you are carrying, but as they are kind trolls, they each give you back a single cake.

How many cakes do you have to leave home with to make sure that you arrive at Grandma's with exactly 2 cakes?

Cakes For Grandma's Birthday

What's between you & grandma's birthday celebration? 

No need to overthink on this. Just carry 2 cakes.

At each toll they would take 1 ( half of 2 ) & would give back 1.

So after each toll you would carry 2 cakes & last toll wouldn't be an exception.

Number of Cakes For Grandma's Birthday!

Squares From Squares Challenge

In the picture that is attached with this question, you can find a square which comprises of four little squares inside it. Consider this square to be made with matchsticks. You have to remove two matchsticks such that only two squares remain instead of five.How will you do it ?

Make 2 from 5 by removing 2!
Make it 2!

Challenge accepted here! 


Squares From Squares Challenge Accepted

What was the challenge? 

All that you need to do is that remove these 2 match sticks labelled in figure below.

These 2 should be removed to make 2 from 5!

So we get exactly 2 squares as below.

Made 2 squares from 5 squares!

What is Sister-7 doing ?

There are seven sister in a house in a village where there is no electricity or 

any gadget.

Sister-1: Reading Novel

Sister-2: Cooking

Sister-3: Playing Chess

Sister-4: Playing Sudoku

Sister-5: Washing clothes

Sister-6: Gardening

what is Sister-7 doing ? 

What the sister number 7 must be doing?

She must be..... 


Playing The Chess Alone?

First read the question. 

Sister -7 must be playing Chess with Sister-3.Remember there is no gadget in room.So sister -3 must not be playing Chess on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop PC (no electricity). Every other activity can be done individually but for playing Chess you need partner at the other end.

No one can play chess alone!
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