
Another CryptArithmatic Problem

Replace letters with numbers assuming numbers can't be repeated. 
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Replace Numbers with letters - Maths Puzzle

Process of decryption is here! 

Decrypting The CryptArithmatic Problem

What was the problem? 

Let's take a look at the equation once again.
       S  E N D
  +   M O R E
 = M O N E Y
Now letter M must be representing the carry generated & it must be 1. 
And if M = 1 then S must be 9 or 8 if carry is generated from hundreds place. 
In any case, O can be either 0 or 1. But can't be 1 as M = 1 hence O = 0.
If O = 0 then E + 0 = N i.e. E = N if there is no carry from tens place. 
Hence, N = E + 1.
Let's turn towards tens place now. With no carry from units place N + R = 10 + E .
Putting N =  E + 1, we get, R = 9. And with carry from units place, we have,
1 + N + R = 10 + E, gives us R = 8. Hence either R = 9 and S = 8 or R = 8 or S = 9.
For a moment, let's assume R = 9 and S = 8 with no carry from units place, then, 
   8 E N D
+ 1 0 9  E
1 0 N E Y 
For this to be correct, we need carry at thousands place generated from hundreds 
place. That's only possible if E = 9 and carry is generated from tens place
forwarded to hundreds place. Since 9 is already being used for R this combination
is just impossible.
Hence, R = 8 and S = 9 with carry 1 from units place.
Now it looks like,
   9 E N D
+ 1 0 8 E
1 0 N E Y 
This means D + E >= 10 i.e. D + E = 10 + Y.  And numbers left are 2,3,4,5,6,7.
If E = 2 then D must be 8 or 9 for D + E >= 10.
Since 8 and 9 already taken, this is not possible.
If E = 3 then D can be 7 but Y would be 0 in the case. 
Since O = 0 already taken this value of E is also not valid. 
For any other value of D, D + E < 10 .
If E = 4 then D = 7 or 6 and Y = 0 or 1.
Both are taken hence this value of E in invalid.
Also,D <= 5 in the case gives  D + E < 10 .
If E = 6, N = 7 then, D <= 5. 
With D = 5 or 4, Y = 0 or 1, both are used for O and M already.
And for D = 2 or 3,D + E < 10 .
In short, this value of E is also not valid.   
So only value of E left is 5. Hence, N = 6 and D = 7. That gives, Y = 2.
Maths Puzzle -  Correct numbers for letters
To conclude,
  9 5 6 7
+ 1 0 8 5
1 0 6 5 2 

Burn The Strings

You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is constant and strings are identical.

How do you measure 45 minutes?

That's how to measure 45 minutes!

Timer Using Burning Strings

What was the challenge? 

1. Burn both the ends of 1st string and 1 end of other string.

2. After 30 minutes, 1st string will be burnt out and half of the other string will be burnt out.So far we have counted 30 minutes.

3. Now burn the other end of 2nd end. It will take 15 minute to burnt out totally. This way, we have counted 30 + 15 = 45 minutes using 2 strings.

Logical Puzzle of burning strings

"Your Surname Tells My Shirt's Color!"

Mr. Yellow, Mr. Black and Mr. Brown, three best friends since kindergarten meet in a function after 5 years. The three of them are wearing either a Yellow, Black or Brown shirt.
After giving each other a friendly hug, Mr. Black says, "Hey, did you notice that we are wearing a different colored shirt than our names!"

The man wearing a Brown shirt said, "Wow I certainly did not notice that but you are right Mr. Black."

Based on this conversation, can you find our who was wearing which colored shirt? 

Different is color than surname is suggesting
Know color of each person's shirt here! 

Surnames And Shuffling of Shirts

Read this conversation first!

One thing is sure that Mr.Black is not wearing the BLACK shirt. He is also not wearing BROWN as well as we found the other person wearing the BROWN colored shirt is agreed with the statement made by Mr.BLACK in a conversation. So only color left is the YELLOW & Mr. Black must be wearing that.

Now, the colors left are BROWN and BLACK and persons left are Mr. Yellow and Mr.Brown. Since, each of them wearing different color than his surname, Mr. Brown must be wearing the BLACK shirt. And hence, Mr. Yellow is wearing the BROWN shirt! 

To conclude, Mr.Black is wearing YELLOW shirt, Mr. Brown is wearing BLACK shirt & Mr. Yellow must be wearing BROWN shirt.

Surnames suggesting different color of shirt

Test of an Examiner

Five students - Adam, Cabe, Justin, Michael and Vince appeared for a competitive exam. There were total five questions asked from them from which were two multiple choice questions (a, b or c) and three were true/false questions. Their answers are given as follows:


Cabe c b True True False

Adam c c True True True

Justin a c False True True

Michael b a True True False

Vince b c True False True

Also, no two students got the same number of correct answers. Can you tell the correct answer? Also, what are their individual score?

Knowing Correct Answers And Evaluating Scores
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