
Journey In Parts

Someone drove from Aardvark to Beeville.

On the first, day they traveled 1/3 of the distance.

On day two, they traveled 1/2 of the remaining distance.

On day three, they traveled 2/3 of the remaining distance.

On day four, after covering 3/4 of the remaining distance, they were still 5 miles away from Beeville.

How many miles had they covered so far?

Distance in Journey In Parts

Know the total distance traveled!

Total Distance In The Journey

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We need to start in reverse.

In last part after covering 3/4 still 5 miles left which accounts for 1/4 of remaining distance. Hence, 20 miles were left at the start of DAY 4.

On DAY 3, 2/3rd covered leaving 20 miles for DAY 4. That means 20 miles distance is remaining 1/3rd. Hence, at the start of DAY 3, 60 miles were left.

On DAY 2, 1/2 of covered leaving 60 miles for DAY 2. So that means 60 miles distance is remaining 1/2. So at the start of DAY 2, 120 miles yet to be covered.

On DAY 1, 1/3 of covered leaving 120 miles for DAY 2. Meaning 120 miles distance is remaining 2/3. Hence, 180 miles yet to be covered at the start of DAY 1.

Out of 180 miles, 175 covered in 4 days still 5 miles left.

Calculation of Total Distance In The Journey

Find The Parking Floor

Six people park their car in an underground parking of a store. 

The store has six floors in all. Each one of them goes to different floor.

Simon stays in the lift for the longest.

Sia gets out before Peter but after Tracy.

The first one to get out is Harold.

Debra leaves after Tracy who gets out at the third floor.

Can you find out who leaves the lift at which floor? 

Find Living Floor Of Each Person
Was it really so difficult? 

Finding The Parking Floor

What was the given data? 

The sentence 'The first one to get out is Harold.' suggests that the Harold leaves the lift at the 1st floor.

Similarly, the sentence - 'Simon stays in the lift for the longest.' suggests that Simon leaves he lift at the 6th floor.

Next, sentence - 'Debra leaves after Tracy who gets out at the third floor' suggests Debra leaves the lift at the 3rd floor.

Clearly, the sentence - 'Sia gets out before Peter but after Tracy.' suggests that Sia leaves the lift at the 4th floor.

Also, it is clear that Debra leaves the lift at the 2nd floor and Peter at the 5th floor.

Logic For Finding The Parking Floor

Summary -

Harold leaves at the first floor.

Debra leaves at the second floor.

Tracy leaves at the third floor.

Sia leaves at the fourth floor.

Peter leaves at the fifth floor.

Simon leaves at the sixth floor.
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