
Check Mate in 1 Move

You are playing with white and its your turn. Check mate the opponent in 1 move.

'Here' is that move!

'That' Move to Check Mate The Opponent

First know the current situation on the board!

Just kill the Black Rook by pawn with the move C7 = > B8. Revive KNIGHT at that position to check mate the opponent straightway. Here, opponent can't use bishop at D6 to kill our knight as in that case his king will be in line of attack of our rook at D1.

'That' Move to Check Mate The Opponent


Formations of Special 6-Digit Numbers

How many six digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1 to 6, without repetition such that the number is divisible by the digit at its unit place?

Formations of Special 6-Digit Numbers

Skip to the count!

Counting The Formations of 6-Digit Special Numbers

You may need to read the question first! 

Let's remind that the numbers can't be repeated. So mathematically there are total 6! (720) unique numbers can be formed.

The number XXXXX1 will be always divisible by 1; so there we have 5! = 120 numbers.

The number XXXXX2 will be always divisible by 2; so there we have 5! = 120 numbers. 

Since sum of all digits is 21 which is divisible by 3; the number XXXXX3 will be always divisible by 3. So we have 5! = 120 more such numbers.

The number XXXXY4 is divisible only when Y = 2 or 6. So in the case we have 2 x 4! = 48 numbers.

The number XXXXX5 will be always divisible by 5; so there we have 5! = 120 numbers.

The number XXXXX6 will be always divisible by 6 (since it is divisible by 2 & 3); so there we have 5! = 120 numbers.

Adding all the above counts - 120 + 120 + 120 + 48 + 120 + 120 = 648.  

Counting The Formations of 6-Digit Special Numbers

So there are 648 six digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1 to 6, without repetition such that the number is divisible by the digit at its unit place.
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