
Search Number for '?'

Can you find the number for the '?' ?

Find The Next Number!

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In The Search of Number for '?'

Here is the question! 

First two equations clearly indicates it must be straightforward a + b equation.

Now if you observe closely all the equations, then you can find that the number never exceeds 8. So there are chances that all these number are in octal number system i.e. base 8 numbers.

In The Search of Number for '?'

Hence 11 in third equation is actually 8 in decimal. That's why 7 + 8 = 15 where decimal 15 is converted to octal 17. 

Verifying third equation as 15 + 16 = 31 in decimal is actually 17 + 20 = 37.

On the similar note, we have fourth equation in decimal as 31 + 32 = 63 which can be converted to octal as 37 + 40 = 77.

Hence the search for number in place of '?' ends with the number 77.

Profit Or Loss Or No-Profit No-Loss?

A man buys a horse for $60. He sells the horse for $70. He then buys the horse back for $80. And he sells the horse again for $90. How much profit did he make or did he loose in transaction? Or did he break even?

Profit Or Loss Or No-Profit No-Loss?

Confused? Find the right answer here!

And He Earned A Profit!

But what was the deal?

The confusion starts when he he buys same horse again. But if we look at it as two different transactions then it pretty straightforward.

At first he buys horse for $60 & sells it for $70. Here, he makes profit of $10. This is one transaction.

And He Earned A Profit!

In next transaction, he buys same horse for $80 & sell the same for $90. Again, here he makes profit of $10.

In this way, the total profit he earns from these transactions is of $20.  

Difficult Puzzle of Sum and Product

Sum Sam and Product Pete are in class when their teacher gives Sam the Sum of two numbers and Pete the product of the same two numbers (these numbers are greater than or equal to 2). They must figure out the two numbers.

Sam: I don’t know what the numbers are Pete.

Pete: I knew you didn’t know the numbers… But neither do I.

Sam: In that case, I do know the numbers.

What are the numbers?

Difficult Puzzle of Sum and Product

Want to know those numbers?

Solution - Difficult Puzzle of Sum and Product

Wait, read the puzzle once! 

Let's remind that the numbers are greater than or equal to 2; means those can't be either 0 or 1.

Now take a look at what Sam & Pete says - 

Sam: I don’t know what the numbers are Pete.

Pete: I knew you didn’t know the numbers… But neither do I.

Sam: In that case, I do know the numbers.

If Sam was told 4 then straightway he would have numbers 2,2 in mind as 3,1 combination is invalid.

If teacher had told Sam 5 as a sum then too Sam had correct pair of numbers 2,3 immediately as 4,1 or 5,0 are invalid combinations. 

So Sam must have at least number 6. Valid combinations for this sum are (2,4), (3,3).

If it was (3,3) then Pete would had 9 & he would have identified this combination correctly as (9,1) is not valid combination. Since he too didn't know exact numbers, it must be some different combination.

And if teacher had told Pete 8 then too he would have easily figured out correct combination of (2,4) as (8,1) is not valid.

So Pete can't have number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8 or 9 or 11.

Now if he had 10 then only possible combination (2,5) and he would have that immediately. So he wouldn't have made the statement that he too didn't know numbers.

Let's assume that he had number 12 as product. Now in this case valid combinations are (2,6), (3,4).  The sums of these valid combinations are 8 & 7 respectively.

Now depending on what sum the Sam had; he can identify the correct pair of numbers easily.

Solution - Difficult Puzzle of Sum and Product

Even/Even x Even - Odd ?

Can an even number, divided by another even number, times another even number ever equal an odd number?

Even/Even x Even - Odd ?

The three even numbers can be different numbers.

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