Calculation of the Original Speed!

What was the question?

Let S1 be the original speed and S2 be the modified speed and T1 be the time taken with speed S1 and T2 be the time taken with speed S2.

As per given data,

T1 - T2 = 1 hr.

D/S1 - D/S2 = 1 hr.

Here, D = 210 miles, S2 = S1 + 5,

210/S1 - 210/(S1+5) = 1

210(S1+5) - 210s = 1S1(S1+5)

S1^2 + 5S1 - 1050 = 0

(S1-30)(S1+35) = 0 

S1 = 30 or S1 = -35.

Since speed can't be negative, S1 = 30 mph.

Hence, the original speed is 30 mph and average speed is 30 + 5 = 35 mph.

Calculation of the Original Speed!
With the original speed it would have taken 210/30 = 7 hours but with average speed it took only 210/35 = 6 hours saving 1 hour of time. 


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