Master of Logic For a Reason!

How the master was challenged?

Let's assume once again A, B and C are those logicians and C has guessed the color of own hat correctly. Here is what he must have thought - 


"I'm assuming the grand master is conducting this test fairly denying any sort of advantage to any participant.

With that assumption, the grand master can't put 2 white and 1 black hat on heads. In that case, the person having black hat and watching 2 white hats on others' head would know the color of own hat immediately.

For fair play, he can't put 2 blacks and 1 white hat either. That will give unfair advantage to the logicians wearing black hats. Suppose A and B are wearing black and I'm wearing white hat. Now, what A (or B) would be thinking - 


       " I'm A (or B) and I can see 1 black and 1 white hat (on head of C). If I have white 
         hat on my head then B (or A) would know color of his hat as black as there are 
         only 2 white hats available and those would be on my head and C's head.

         Moreover, 1 black and 2 white hats already eliminated as it's unfair distribution.

         That means I must be wearing black hat."


That's how the combination of 2 black and 1 white hats also eliminated from fair play.

Hence, all of three must be wearing black hats is only fair distribution giving all of us equal chance of winning and hence I must be wearing black hat only. 


Master of Logic For a Reason!

Note : Here, C is assumed as a winner for only sake of convenience, otherwise either A or B whoever is wisest can be winner.


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