
Showing posts with the label Logic Puzzles

The Buyer Who is Thief

Once a man steals Rs.100 note from the shop. Later he purchases good of worth Rs.70 from the same shop using that note. The shopkeeper gives back Rs.30 in return. 

The Buyer Who is Theif

How much did shopkeeper loose in the case?

Do you think Rs.130? Or anything else? 

Loss Due To Thief Buyer

What's the case history? 

So did you just answer Rs.130 ? No, that's not correct!

Thief initially steals Rs.100 note. Now imagine instead of Rs.100 he steals goods of worth Rs. 70 + Rs.30 (given by shopkeeper). So eventually, the shopkeeper lost only Rs.100 in the process. 

In other words, the thief exchanges Rs.70 with the goods in the case. He pays for those goods to shopkeeper. So he looses Rs.70 from stolen Rs.100 & gains back via goods.

Loss Due To Thief Buyer

So eventually, the shopkeeper lost only Rs.100 in the case.


Story Of Genius Winning Scholarship

First read here what was the test?

One day Chuckles came to my home; he is my friend. I am 'smart' enough to immediately ask him story behind that mind teaser. What he had thought at that time is in his own words here...

"If I had red cross on my forehead then there is no way Wombat & Breeze raised their hand looking at me. What Wombat (or Breeze) would have thought in that case

Wombat (or Breeze) must have thought that Breeze (or Wombat) must have raised hand after looking green cross on my forehead as Chuckles have red cross on forehead.

So both would have come to know what they have on their own forehead & would have taken hands down immediately. But they didn't.

Hence I concluded, I must have green cross on my forehead & hence I took my hand down & earned the scholarship."

Winner's logic in real test of genius

 *NOTES* : 

1.It's only because Chuckles is winner of competition he visited my home. Otherwise Wombat or Breeze could be my friend either.

2.All the above characters, scenes & incidents are fictitious & created just for the simplicity. A (very) little help has been taken from the Google.

Real Test Of Genius

"The scholarship will be awarded," said the head to three candidates - Chuckles, Wombat & Breeze - "to the winner in this little competition. I am going to chalk a cross, which will be either a green or a red cross. I shall then ask each one who can see a green cross to hold his hand up; and take his hand down as soon as he can tell me what his own cross is. He must, of course, be able to explain how his answer is arrived at. Kindly close your eyes for 10 seconds."

Professor's test to find the genius

He chalked a green cross on all three foreheads. "Go!"

All three hands shot up in air ; that of Chuckles was almost immediately lowered. "My cross is green , Sir" 

How did Chuckles know?

Here it is how!

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