
Showing posts with the label best

A Long Journey of 27000 Miles

The MacDonalds are planning a long car journey of 27,000 miles. If they use tires that last 12,000 miles each, how many tires will they need, and how can they make the best use of them?

A Long Journey of 27000 Miles

This is how usage of tires can be optimized!

Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!

How long the actual journey is?

Since each tire would be traveling 27,000 miles, when car travels 27000 miles; tire -miles are equal to 27000 x 4 = 108000.

But the each tire lasts for 12000 then tires required = 108000/ 12000 = 9.

Now managing use of these 9 tires need some planning.

For first 12000 miles of 27000 miles they can use 4 out of 9 tires. For the rest of 15000 miles use of remaining 5 tires need to be planned.

Best way is to change 1 tire after every 3000 miles like below.

First 3000 miles: Tires 1, 2, 3, 4

Second 3000 miles: Tires 2, 3, 4, 5

Third 3000 miles: Tires 3, 4, 5, 1

Fourth 3000 miles: Tires 4, 5, 1, 2

Fifth 3000 miles: Tires 5, 1, 2, 3

This way, it's made sure that each tire is used for only 12000 miles.
And this is how the journey can be completed using 9 tires only.

Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!

An Insepection by The Superintendent

One day, a class teacher was told that the school superintendent will be visiting her class on the next day. The superintendent can ask questions from anywhere and it can be easy as well as difficult. The teacher will have the liberty to choose any pupil for answering the question.

How to impress the Superintendent?

Now she is determined that the impression that is cast upon the superintendent after the inspection should be great. How will she instruct the students so that she maximizes the chances of receiving a correct answer for each question? Also, she must create the best impression. How will she do it? 

This is what she should do! 

To Impress Superintendent

What was the resolution of teacher? 

Now what should teacher do here is to devise the 'sign' language to communicate with students. Also she needs to make sure that the superintendent won't have any doubt while questioning students.

She should ask all the students to raise hands for every question that is being asked by superintendent. However, those who know correct answers should raise right hand & rest of all should raise left hand. This way she would be able to know the students who knows the correct answer & choose any of them to answer the question.

All raised hands to each question would definitely leave great impression on the superintendent.

Sign language to communicate while inspection

Note : We are assuming superintendent not smart enough to notice that students raising different hands for different questions.

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