Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!

How long the actual journey is?

Since each tire would be traveling 27,000 miles, when car travels 27000 miles; tire -miles are equal to 27000 x 4 = 108000.

But the each tire lasts for 12000 then tires required = 108000/ 12000 = 9.

Now managing use of these 9 tires need some planning.

For first 12000 miles of 27000 miles they can use 4 out of 9 tires. For the rest of 15000 miles use of remaining 5 tires need to be planned.

Best way is to change 1 tire after every 3000 miles like below.

First 3000 miles: Tires 1, 2, 3, 4

Second 3000 miles: Tires 2, 3, 4, 5

Third 3000 miles: Tires 3, 4, 5, 1

Fourth 3000 miles: Tires 4, 5, 1, 2

Fifth 3000 miles: Tires 5, 1, 2, 3

This way, it's made sure that each tire is used for only 12000 miles.
And this is how the journey can be completed using 9 tires only.

Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!


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