
Showing posts with the label journey

Crossing The Stone Bridge : Puzzle

Three people, Ann, Ben and Jen want to cross a river from left bank to right bank. Another three people, Tim, Jim and Kim want to cross the same river from right bank to left bank.

However, there is no boat but only 1 stone bridge consisting of just 7 big stones(not tied to each other), each of which can hold only 1 person at a time. All these people have a limited jumping capacity, so that they can only jump to the stone immediately next to them if it is empty.

Now, all of these people are quite arrogant and so will never turn back once they have begun their journey. That is, they can only move forward in the direction of their destination. They are also quite selfish and will not help anybody traveling in the same direction as themselves.

But they are also practical and know that they will not be able to cross without helping each other. Each of them is willing to help a person coming from opposite direction so that they can get a path for their own journey ahead. With this help, a person can jump two stones at a time, such that if, say, Ann and Tim are occupying two adjacent stones and the stone next to Tim on the other side is empty, then Tim will help Ann in directly jumping to that stone, and vice versa.

Now initially the 6 people are lined up on the 7 stones from left to right as follows:

Ann Ben Jen emp Tim Jim Kim
(where emp stands for empty stone).

Your job is to find how they will cross over the stones such that they are finally lined up as follows:

Tim Jim Kim emp Ann Ben Jen

Now, find out the shortest step-wise procedure, assuming that Tim moves first.

Crossing The Stone Bridge : Puzzle

THIS is the shortest way! 

Crossing The Stone Bridge Puzzle : Solution

What was the puzzle?

Initially the 6 people are lined up on the 7 stones from left to right as follows:
Ann Ben Jen EMP Tim Jim Kim
(where EMP stands for empty stone).

Step 1: Tim jumps to occupy the empty stone.

Ann Ben Jen Tim EMP Jim Kim

Step 2: Tim helps Jen in occupying the newly emptied stone between him and Jim. 

Ann Ben EMP Tim Jen Jim Kim
Step 3: Ben occupies the stone emptied by Jen.

Ann EMP Ben Tim Jen Jim Kim

Step 4: Ben helps Tim in occupying the newly emptied stone. 

Ann Tim Ben EMP Jen Jim Kim

Step 5: Jen helps Jim in occupying the empty stone. 

Ann Tim Ben Jim Jen EMP Kim

Step 6: Kim occupies the stone emptied by Jim. 

Ann Tim Ben Jim Jen Kim EMP

Step 7: Kim helps Jen in occupying the stone vacated by her. 

Ann Tim Ben Jim EMP Kim Jen
Step 8: Jim helps Ben in occupying the stone vacated by Jen. 

Ann Tim EMP Jim Ben Kim Jen

Step 9: Tim helps Ann in occupying the empty stone.

EMP Tim Ann Jim Ben Kim Jen

Step 10: Tim jumps to the stone emptied by Ann.

Tim EMP Ann Jim Ben Kim Jen

Step 11: Ann helps Jim in occupying the stone vacated by Tim.

Tim Jim Ann EMP Ben Kim Jen

Step 12: Ben helps Kim in occupying the stone vacated by Jim. 

Tim Jim Ann Kim Ben EMP Jen

Step 13: Ben occupies the empty stone.

Tim Jim Ann Kim EMP Ben Jen

Step 14: Kim helps Ann in occupying the stone emptied by Ben. 

Tim Jim EMP Kim Ann Ben Jen

Step 15: Kim jumps to the stone emptied by Ann.

Tim Jim Kim EMP Ann Ben Jen

This is exactly what we wanted!

Crossing The Stone Bridge Puzzle : Solution

A Long Journey of 27000 Miles

The MacDonalds are planning a long car journey of 27,000 miles. If they use tires that last 12,000 miles each, how many tires will they need, and how can they make the best use of them?

A Long Journey of 27000 Miles

This is how usage of tires can be optimized!

Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!

How long the actual journey is?

Since each tire would be traveling 27,000 miles, when car travels 27000 miles; tire -miles are equal to 27000 x 4 = 108000.

But the each tire lasts for 12000 then tires required = 108000/ 12000 = 9.

Now managing use of these 9 tires need some planning.

For first 12000 miles of 27000 miles they can use 4 out of 9 tires. For the rest of 15000 miles use of remaining 5 tires need to be planned.

Best way is to change 1 tire after every 3000 miles like below.

First 3000 miles: Tires 1, 2, 3, 4

Second 3000 miles: Tires 2, 3, 4, 5

Third 3000 miles: Tires 3, 4, 5, 1

Fourth 3000 miles: Tires 4, 5, 1, 2

Fifth 3000 miles: Tires 5, 1, 2, 3

This way, it's made sure that each tire is used for only 12000 miles.
And this is how the journey can be completed using 9 tires only.

Optimizing The Use of Tires in Long Journey!

Time Taken For The Journey

A RED ant is sitting on one side of a table (point X) and a BLACK ant is sitting on the opposite side of the table (point Y).

Time Taken For The Journey

Now both of them decides to exchange their places and starts crawling. On the way, both of the ants meet and after that, it takes 20 seconds for the RED ant to move to point Y and it takes 5 seconds for the BLACK ant to reach point X.

Time Taken For The Journey

Find out the total time taken by the RED and the BLACK ant to make the journey.

Here are steps to calculate! 


Calculation of Time For The Journey

What was the journey?

Let the speed of RED ant is R & that of BLACK ant is B

Let time taken by them to meet be T.

Now we will apply the basic formula of distance:

Distance = Speed * Time.

RED ant travels R T distance before meeting and 20 R after the meeting.

BLACK ant travels B T distance before meeting and 5 B after the meeting.

Now as per the question,The distance traveled by RED ant before they both meet will be equal to the distance covered by BLACK ant after they meet. We can say the same for the vice versa case as well.

Calculation of Time For The Journey


RT = 5B and BT = 20R
i.e. B = 20R/T, putting in RT = 5B

R T = [20R/T] * 5

RT = 100R/T

T^2 = 100

T = 10.

Thus the RED ant will require 10 + 20 = 30 seconds to travel the distance.

And the
BLACK ant will take 10 + 5 = 15 seconds to travel the distance. 

Finding The Average Speed

A man drives his car to the office at 20miles/hr. After reaching the office, he realizes that it's a new year holiday so he went back home at a speed of 30miles/hr.

Discounting the time spent in the stoppage what was his average speed of his journey?

Finding The Average Speed Of The Car In Entire Journey

Right way to calculate the average speed! 


Right Way To Find The Average Speed

What was the given data?

If you are finding average speed of 2 given speeds as (Speed 1 + Speed 2)/2 then you are getting tricked by questioner. The speed itself is a distance covered per unit i.e. Speed = Distance/Time. Calculating average speed like that means,you are doing like,

Average Speed = (Speed1 + Speed2)/2
                      = (Distance1/Time1 + Distance 2/Time2)/2              
So you need to find the total distance traveled & the total time taken to complete the entire journey.It should be like,

Average Speed = Total Distance/Total Time

                       = (Distance1 + Distance2)/(Time1 + Time2)

In the given problem, let D be the distance traveled by car to the office. Let T1 be the time required to go to the office & T2 be the time to return back.

Since, Speed = Distance / Time, Time = Distance / Speed.


T1 = D / 20

T2 = D / 30


Total distance traveled =  D + D = 2D, Total Time taken = T1 + T2


Average Speed = 2D / (T1 + T2)

Average Speed = 2D / (D/20 + D/30)

Average Speed = 2D / (50D/600)

Average Speed = 2D / (D / 12)

Average Speed = 24 miles/hr.  

Therefore, the average speed of the journey is 24 miles/hr not 25 miles/hr [(20 + 30)/2].

Proper Way To Find The Average Speed in Entire Journey
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