
Showing posts with the label forehead

Ultimate Test of 3 Logic Masters

Try this. The Grand Master takes a set of 8 stamps, 4 red and 4 green, known to the logicians, and loosely affixes two to the forehead of each logician so that each logician can see all the other stamps except those 2 in the Grand Master's pocket and the two on her own forehead. He asks them in turn if they know the colors of their own stamps:

A: "No."

B: "No."

C: "No."

A: "No."

B: "Yes."

Ultimate Test of 3 Logic Masters

What color stamps does B have? 

'THIS' could be his color combination! 

Earlier logicians had been part of "Spot On The Forehead!" and  "Spot on the Forehead" Sequel Contest

The Wisest Logic Master!

What was the challenge in front of him?

Let's denote red by R and green by G. Then, each can have combination of RR, RG or GG.

So, there are total 27 combinations are possible.

1.  RR RR GG
2.  RR GG RR
3.  GG RR RR

4.  GG GG RR
5.  RR GG GG
6.  GG RR GG

7.  RR RG GG
8.  GG RG RR
9.  RG RR GG
11. RR GG RG
12. GG RR RG

13. RR RG RG
14. GG RG RG
15. RG RR RG
16. RG GG RG
17. RG RG RR
18. RG RG GG

19. RR RR RG
20. GG GG RG
21. RG RR RR
22. RG GG GG
23. RR RG RR
24. GG RG GG

25. RR RR RR
26 .GG GG GG

27. RG RG RG.


1. Now, obviously (19) to (26) are invalid combinations as those have more than 4 red or green stamps.


2. In first round, everybody said 'NO' thereby eliminating (1) to (6) combinations. That's because, for example, if C had seen all red (or all green) then he would have known color of own stamps as GG (or RR). Similarly, A and B must not have seen all red or all green.


3. For (9 - RG RR GG), A would have responded correctly at second round as NO of B had eliminated GG and NO of C had eliminated RR for A in first round. Similarly, (10) is eliminated.


4. For (11 -  RR GG RG ), C would would have responded correctly immediately after NO of A had eliminated GG and NO of B had eliminated RR for him in first round. With similar logic, (12) also get eliminated.


5. Remember, B has guessed color of own stamps only in second round of questioning.


6. For B in (13), his logic would be I can't have RR (total R>4) but GG [ No.(11) - RR GG RG] and RG can be possible. But (11) is eliminated by C's response in first round. That leaves, (13) in contention.


7. Similarly, if it was (14 - GG RG RG) combination, then B's thought would be - I can't have GG (total G>4) but can have RR as in (12) - GG RR RG which is already eliminated by C's NO response at the end of first round. Hence, I must have RG. That means (14) also remains in contention.


8. On similar note, (17), (18) remains in contention after A's NO at the start of second round.


9. If it was (15), then A would have been responded with RG when C's NO in first round eliminates RR (as proved in 2 above) and GG (as proved in 4 above) both. Similarly, (16) is also eliminated after C's NO in first round as above.


11. For (27), B's logic would be -

"If I had RR then A must had seen RR-RG and had logic - 

"Can't have RR (total R>4); if had GG then C would have answered with RG after I and B said NO in first round itself. Hence, I must tell RG in second round."

Similarly, A's response at the start of second round eliminates GG for me.

Hence, I must have RG combination."


10. So only possible combinations left where only B can deduce color of own stamps are -

7.  RR RG GG
8.  GG RG RR

13. RR RG RG
14. GG RG RG

17. RG RG RR
18. RG RG GG

27. RG RG RG.

If observed carefully all above, we can conclude that B must have RG color combination of stamps after observing A's and C's stamps as above to correctly answer in the second round.


The Wisest Logic Master!

Black or White Dot on Forehead

There are five men, let's say Tarun, Harish, Lavesh, Manoj and Manish. All of them have a dot mark in their forehead. They can't see the dot on their own forehead, but can see the ones on others. The owner of WHITE dot is an honest person and will never lie, while the owner of BLACK dot always tell the lie.

This are the statement from Tarun, Harish, Lavesh, and Manish:

Tarun: 'I see 3 whites and 1 black'

Harish: 'I see 4 black'

Lavesh: 'I see 3 black and 1 white'

Manish: 'I see 4 white'

What color is the dot on each Tarun, Harish, Lavesh, Manoj, Manish forehead?

Who has which color of dot?

Know color of dot on each forehead!


Men with White Dots on Foreheads

Read this story first!

Let's take a look at who said what. 

Tarun: 'I see 3 whites and 1 black'
Harish: 'I see 4 black'
Lavesh: 'I see 3 black and 1 white'
Manish: 'I see 4 white'

Harish and Manish made very contracting statements; so are statement of Tarun and Lavesh. That means, only one of them is telling the truth. Hence, only one of 4 have WHITE dot on his forehead. Till now we don't have idea of what Manoj had on his forehead. Even if he has WHITE dot then there can be maximum 2 WHITE dots among those 5.    

Truth of Tarun and Manish:

Tarun and Manish must be lying as they are saying that they have seen 3 and 4 WHITE dots respectively. According to our first conclusion, there can be maximum 2 WHITE dots possible.

Truth of Harish:

Next if we assume Harish has WHITE dot and telling the truth then all other must be lying including Manoj and Lavesh. As per Lavesh, he had seen 3 BLACK and 1 WHITE dot. Now he must have seen BLACK dots on foreheads of Manoj, Tarun, Manish and WHITE dot on forehead of Harish as assumed. That mean he is telling truth though he has BLACK dot. But the man with BLACK is always lying, hence this case is also INVALID. 

Truth of Lavesh:

So the only person left is Lavesh and must be telling the TRUTH with WHITE dot on his forehead. Hence, as his statement is suggesting, the Manoj must have WHITE dot and other three Tarun, Lavesh, Harish have BLACK dots (we already concluded these 3 are lying). 

Logical deduction to find color of dot.

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