
Showing posts with the label jar

What is the Weight of the Empty Jar?

A full jar of honey weighs 750 grams, and the same jar two-thirds full weighs 550 grams.

What is the weight of the empty jar in grams?

What is the Weight of the Empty Jar?

Find the correct way to find the weight here!

Calculation of Weight of the Empty Jar

Collect the given data.

Let J be the weight of empty jar and H be the weight of honey when jar was full.

J + H = 750                                            ......(1)

And in second case,

J + (2/3)H = 550                                     .....(2) 

Subtracting (2) from (1),

(1/3)H = 200

Hence, H = 600.

Putting this value in (1),

J = 750 - 600 = 150.

Calculation of Weight of the Empty Jar

Therefore, the weight of the empty jar is 150 grams.

Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

There are 73 red, blue and green marbles in a jar. There are twice as many red marbles as blue marbles. There are 19 more marbles than green marbles. 

Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

How many green marbles are there?

Check if you are correct! 

Solution of Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

What was the problem?

Solution of Viral Maths Problem Confusing Students & Parents

Using Algebra : 

Let r,b and g be the numbers of red, blue and green marbles in the jar.

There are 73 red, blue and green marbles in a jar.

So r + b + g = 73    .....(1)

There are twice as many red marbles as blue marbles.

r = 2b                  ......(2)

There are 19 more blue marbles than green marbles. 

b = g + 19            

g = b - 19            ......(3)

Putting (2) and (3) in (1), gives

2b + b + b - 19 = 73

4b = 92

b = 23

Putting b = 23 in (3) gives,

g = 23 - 19 = 4

Putting  b = 23 in (2), gives 

r = 2x23 = 46

So there are 46 red,23 blue and 4 green marbles in the jar.

Without Algebra :

In the case, we need to try trail and error method.

If g = 1, then b = 20 and r = 2(20) = 40 giving total 40 + 20 + 1 = 61.

If g = 2, then b = 21 and r = 2(21) = 42 giving total 42 + 21 + 2 = 65.

If g = 3, then b = 22 and r = 2(22) = 44 giving total 44 + 22 + 3 = 69.

Total is increasing at the rate of 4. So finally,

If g = 4, then b = 23 and r = 2(23) = 46 giving total 46 + 23 + 4 = 73.

So there are 46 red,23 blue and 4 green marbles in the jar.

Fair Distribution Of Water

In Sahara desert , 3 men found a big 24L Jar is full of water. Since there is shortage of water so they decided to distribute the water among themselves such that they all have equal amounts of it. But they only have a 13L, a 5L and an 11 liter Jar.

How do they do it? 

Challenge of Fair Distribution Of Water -  - Logical Puzzle

Here is how to do it!


Equal Distribution Of Water

What was the challenge?

1. First pour 24L into 13L and 11L jar.There will be no water in 24L jar.

2. Now pour 13L jar into 5L jar till 5L is filled. So 8L of water will be left in 13L jar.

3. This 8L of water from 13L jar is emptied in empty 24L jar.This will leave 13L jar empty.

4. Now pour 11L water from 11L jar into 13L of jar. There is still space for 2L of water in 13L jar.

5. Pour 5L jar into 13L of jar which had space for 2L only. So 3L of water will be left in 5L of jar.

6. This 3L of water is emptied in 11L jar.

7. A 13L jar full of water is again poured into 5L jar leaving behind 8L of water in it.

8. A 5L jar full of water is finally poured in 11L jar already having 3L of water. 

9. This way, 24L, 11L and 13L of jar would have 8L of water each.

Accepted Challenge of Equal Distribution Of Water - Logical Puzzle

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