Bird's Journey From Train To Train
Suppose distance between SECUNDERABAD & CST is 1000 KM. Railway tracks are in straight lines with no curves in between.
A train with uniform speed of 100 kmph departs from CST at 9:00 AM. Same day on same track other train from SECUNDERABAD departs at 10:00 AM with uniform speed of 80 kmph.
A bird sitting on engine of train that departed from CST starts traveling toward the SECUNDERABAD & after touching the engine of that train travels back to CST train. A bird repeats this until trains collide.
How much distance the bird traveled & how many times did it travel to & fro?
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A train with uniform speed of 100 kmph departs from CST at 9:00 AM. Same day on same track other train from SECUNDERABAD departs at 10:00 AM with uniform speed of 80 kmph.
A bird sitting on engine of train that departed from CST starts traveling toward the SECUNDERABAD & after touching the engine of that train travels back to CST train. A bird repeats this until trains collide.
How much distance the bird traveled & how many times did it travel to & fro?