
Winner Deserving The Scholarship

This is my favorite puzzle which I had read in a newspaper. It really makes you to think more & more logically to get the answer. I had posted it back in July but re posting it here.

"The scholarship will be awarded," said the head to three candidates - Chuckles, Wombat & Breeze - "to the winner in this little competition. I am going to chalk a cross, which will be either a green or a red cross. I shall then ask each one who can see a green cross to hold his hand up; and take his hand down as soon as he can tell me what his own cross is. He must, of course, be able to explain how his answer is arrived at. Kindly close your eyes for 10 seconds."

He chalked a green cross on all three foreheads. "Go!"

All three hands shot up in air ; that of Chuckles was almost immediately lowered. "My cross is green , Sir"

Winner's logic behind his thinking!

How did Chuckle know?
Read here how the story unfolds!


Popular Missing Square Puzzle

How many number of times you have come across this image?

Where this extra block comes from?

By now, you might have accepted the solution.

"The hypotenuse is bulged in bottom figure which accounts area equal to missing square!"

But is this really a solution to this puzzle? The issue illustrated in clear manner here!

And my opinion is here!

And how creator did manage to create that 'missing' square is illustrated here!


Jumping Safely From 33rd Floor?

A man was gazing through the window of the 33rd floor of the building. He suddenly opened the window and jumped on the other side of the window. On landing the floor, there was not a sheer mark of injury on him.

How can that be possible if he did not use any kind of parachute and did not land on a soft surface ? 

How one can survive if jumped from 33rd floor?
Why he landed safely? Find Here! 

Jump Causing No Injury

But why to jump? 

The man was cleaning the window of 33rd floor & jumped inside the room through the window after finishing his work. Jumping from few feet from landing floor rarely causes any injury.

Hardly Any Injury if Jumped In This Way!
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