
The Seven Rings

You arrive at a hotel and have 3 sets of golden rings. The first set of rings has 4 rings, the second set has 2 rings and the third only has one ring. You cannot take these sets of rings apart, exchange them for a different form of currency, and the hotel clerk has no change. You want to stay at the hotel for 7 nights, and you have to pay one gold ring for each night that you stay. You cannot pay in advance, or all at once at the end of your stay.

3 Sets of Golden Rings

 How do you pay for your 7 nights at the hotel?

This is how should you pay! 


Paying Rings At Hotel

What was the condition? 

You can pay 7 rings in 7 days in following sequence.

Day 1 : 

Give the only ring that is in first set. Paid 1 ring.

Day 2 : 

Take back ring given on Day 1 & give second set of rings having 2 rings. Paid 2 rings

Day 3 :

Give 1 ring back again. Total rings paid = 2 + 1 = 3

Mathematical Coincidence

Messi entered a candy shop and spent half of the money in his pocket. When he came out he found that he had just as many paise as he had rupees when he went in and also half a many rupees as he had paise when he went in. How much money did he have on him when he entered? (1 Rupee = 100 Paise just like 1 Dollar = 100 Cents)

Know the amount that Messy had initially!!


Money For Mathematical Coincidence

What was the coincidence?

Let X be the rupees & Y be the paise that Messy initially had in his pocket. That means he had 100X + Y paise initially. In shop he paid half of the amount he had i.e. (100X + Y)/2. 

When he came out of the shop he had Y/2 rupees & X paise i.e. 100(Y/2) + X paise.

Equating both,

(100X + Y)/2 = 100(Y/2) + X

Multiply by 2,

100X + Y = 100Y + 2X

98X = 99Y

Hence, X = 99 & Y = 98
Putting these values in 100X + Y = 9998. This is the amount in paise. Converting in rupees gives, 9998/100 = 99.98

To conclude, Messi had Rs.99.98 initially in his pocket.

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