
2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

Where the game stands?

1.Move Rook to b3 i.e. perform Rb3.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

2.That will force opponent to move king to a5 i.e. execute Ka5.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

3. Finally,now move Rook to a3 (Ra3) and Checkmate the opponent.

2 Moves to CheckMate the Opponent

Case of 3 Identical Notebooks

Three people all set down their identical notebooks on a table. On the way out, they each randomly pick up one of the notebooks. What is the probability that none of the three people pick up the notebook that they started with?

Case of 3 Identical Notebooks

That's correct probability!

Probability in Case of 3 Identical Notebooks

What was the case?

Let's name peoples as Person - 1, Person - 2, Person - 3 and their notebooks as Notebook - 1, Notebook - 2 and Notebook 3 respectively.

Now there can be 6 ways 3 notebooks can be distributed among 3 persons like below.

Probability in Case of 3 Identical Notebooks

(Here, for convenience, 3 different colors are assigned to the notebooks of 3 persons.)

As we can see, there are only 2 cases, where the each of person not getting own notebook. In rest of cases, at least 1 person got own notebook & notebooks of others are shuffled between 2.

So the probability that none of the three people pick up the notebook that they started with is 2/6 = 1/3

Unfair Game of Strange dice

Katherine and Zyan are playing a game using strange dice. Each die is a cube with six sides. Katherine's die has sides numbered 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 6. Zyan's die has sides numbered 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 5.

To play the game, Katherine and Zyan roll their dice at the same time and whoever rolls the higher value wins. If they play many times, who will win more frequently, Katherine or Zyan?

This person will be winning more! 

Advantage in Unfair Game of Strange Dice

What was the game?

Shortest Way : 

Katherine's die has sides numbered 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, and 6. And Zyan's die has sides numbered 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, and 5. That means whenever Zyan rolls a 2 then Katherine will always win. The probability that Zyan rolls 2 is 3/6 = 1/2. So in half of the cases, the Katherine will be winner of the game. Moreover, whenever, Zyan rolls a 5, Katherine can win if she rolls a 6. In short, in more than half cases, Katherine will win hence she has more advantage in this game.

Precise Way : 

Katherine will win if

1. Zyan rolls a 2 with probability 3/6 = 1/2

2. Zyan rolls a 5 (probability 3/6 = 1/2) and Katherine rolls a 6 (probability 1/6). So the probability for this win = 1/12.

Hence, Katherine has got 1/2 + 1/12 = 7/12 chances of winning.

Zyan will win if he rolls a 5 (probability 1/2) and Katherine rolls a 3 (probability 5/6) with probability = 1/2 x 5/6 = 5/12.  

That proves, Katherine has more chances (7/12 vs 5/12) of winning this game. 

Another Way : 

Advantage in Unfair Game of Strange Dice

There can be 36 possible cases of numbers of cubes out of which in 15 cases Zyan seems to be winning and in 21 cases, Katherine is winning. Again, Katherine having more chances of winning (21/36 = 7/12) than Zyan (15/36 = 5/12). 

Search Number for '?'

Can you find the number for the '?' ?

Find The Next Number!

Skip to the answer! 

In The Search of Number for '?'

Here is the question! 

First two equations clearly indicates it must be straightforward a + b equation.

Now if you observe closely all the equations, then you can find that the number never exceeds 8. So there are chances that all these number are in octal number system i.e. base 8 numbers.

In The Search of Number for '?'

Hence 11 in third equation is actually 8 in decimal. That's why 7 + 8 = 15 where decimal 15 is converted to octal 17. 

Verifying third equation as 15 + 16 = 31 in decimal is actually 17 + 20 = 37.

On the similar note, we have fourth equation in decimal as 31 + 32 = 63 which can be converted to octal as 37 + 40 = 77.

Hence the search for number in place of '?' ends with the number 77.

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