
A Determined Cat on a Ladder!

A ladder is leaning against a wall. On the center rung is a cat. She must be a very determined cat, because she remains on that rung as we draw the foot of the ladder away from the tree until the ladder is lying flat on the ground. What path does the cat describe as she undergoes this indignity?

A Determined Cat on a Ladder!

She follows this path!

A Path Followed by Determined Cat

What was the question?

 Interestingly, the cat follows the circular path whose center is at the foot of tree. 

Actually, as ladder is drawn out a series of right triangles with the same hypotenuse (the ladder) are created with respect to the foot of tree.

The point of hypotenuses where cat is sitting determinedly will be always at the same distance from all 3 vertices. So if all such point are joined then we get a circular path having center at the foot of tree. 

(Figure is for illustration purpose only & may not have accurate measurements.

A Path Followed by Determined Cat

Navigation Paths Between Two Points

Consider a rectangular grid of 4×3 with lower left corner named as A and upper right corner named B. Suppose that starting point is A and you can move one step up(U) or one step right(R) only. This is continued until B is reached. 

Navigation Paths Between Two Points

How many different paths from A to B possible ? 

Here is calculation of total number of paths. 

Combinations of Naviagation Paths

What is the question?

If the right move is represented as R and up move as U then, RRRUU is the one path to reach at B.

Combinations of Naviagation Paths

UURRR is one more path between points A and B.

Combinations of Naviagation Paths

URRRU is another way to reach at B.

Combinations of Naviagation Paths

Further, one can reach at B via RURRU.

Combinations of Naviagation Paths

So number of such paths are possible.

However, if all paths above are observed, we can conclude that total 5 moves are needed to reach from point A to B. Out of those 5, 3 have to be RIGHT and 2 have to be UP. 

That is, any combination having 3R and 2U in 5 moves will give a valid path to reach at B.

Now, number of ways 3R can be placed in 5 moves can be calculated as - 

C(5,3) = 5!/(5-3)! * 2! = 10.

To sum up, there are 10 paths available between points A and B.

Language Barrier in International Meeting

Of the 1985 people attending an international meeting, no one speaks more than five languages, and in any subset of three attendees, at least two speak a common language. Prove that some language is spoken by at least 200 of the attendees.

Language Barrier in International Meeting

For The Communication in International Meeting

For any attendee A and B, having no common language there must be C who know the language of either A or B to form a trio as mentioned.

Let's make assumption contradicting the statement made in question. Suppose there are only 198 people who can talk in particular language with A or B. Since A can communicate in 5 languages, there are 5 x 198 = 990 people who can talk with A.

That is 990 people are there who have sharing 1 common language with 1 of 5 languages known by A. Similarly, B also can communicate with 990 more people.

Now, if A and B have no common language then there are only 990 + 990 = 1980 people having potential to become C in the trio. This obviously doesn't cover total of remaining people i.e. 1985 - 2 (A and B) = 1983.

Hence, our assumption goes wrong there. So there must be at least 200 attendees knowing the same language .

For Communication in International Meeting

"Get Out of The Hell !"

You’re new to hell, and you’re given a choice: You can go directly to the fourth circle, or you can play simultaneous chess games against Alexander Alekhine and Aron Nimzowitsch. Alekhine always plays black and smokes a pipe of brimstone. Nimzowitsch plays white and wears cuff links made of human teeth. Neither has ever lost.

"Get Out of The Hell !"

If you can manage even a draw against either player, you’ll be set free. But if they both beat you, you’ll go to the eighth circle for eternity.

What should you do?

This trick will save your life! 

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