The Color of Last Bean in the Pot

Little story behind the title!

There are 75 WHITE beans in the pot i.e. they are odd in numbers. Since, they are always taken out in pair, in the end there will be 1 WHITE bean left out.

At some point, when there are 3 bean are left in the pot then there has to be 2 BLACK and 1 WHITE beans in the pot. They can't be 1 BLACK and 2 WHITE beans as for that 73 WHITE beans need to be taken out which is not possible since WHITE are always taken in pair.

So if cook pick 2 BLACK beans (or BLACK & WHITE) at this point then anyhow BLACK and WHITE will be left in the pot. Now, when he pick this pair of BLACK and WHITE then he puts BLACK on the pile and drop WHITE back to the pot as per his rule.

Eventually, WHITE bean will be left in the pot.

The Color of Last Bean in the Pot


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