Story of Man Having 2 Girlfriends

A man who lives in Middletown has two girlfriends, one in Northtown and one in Southtown. 

Trains from the Middletown train station leave for Northtown once every hour. Separate trains from the station also leave for Southtown once every hour. No trains go to both Northtown and Southtown.

Each day he gets to the Middletown train station at a completely random time and gets onto the first train that is going to either Northtown or Southtown, whichever comes first.

After a few months, he realizes that he spends 80% of his days with his girlfriend from Northtown, and only 20% of his days with his girlfriend from Southtown.

How could this be?

Story of Man Having 2 Girlfriends

THIS could be the reason behind it! 


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