
Who Lives Where?

There are 4 big houses in my home town.
They are made from these materials: red marbles, green marbles, white marbles and blue marbles.

* Mrs Jennifer's house is somewhere to the left of the green marbles one and the third one along is white marbles.

* Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house and Mr Cruz does not live at either end, but lives somewhere to the right of the blue marbles house.

* Mr Danny lives in the fourth house, while the first house is not made from red marbles.

Who lives where, and what is their house made from ?

Clues of Who Lives Where? - Logical Puzzle

Know about location and home about each!

Owners Of Homes in Home Town

What were the clues? 

To simplify the process, let's number the houses as 1,2,3,4 and separate clues given.

a. Mrs Jennifer's house is somewhere to the left of the green marbles one.
b. The third one along is white marbles.
c. Mrs Sharon owns a red marbles house
d. Mr Cruz does not live at either end.
e. Mr Cruz lives somewhere to the right of the blue marbles house.
f. Mr Danny lives in the fourth house
g. The first house is not made from red marbles.

As per clues (b) and (g), 1 and 3 aren't made of red marbles. Since Danny is living in 4 as per (f), the red house owned by Mrs. Sharon must be positioned at 2.

Since 2 is already occupied, as per (d), Mr. Cruz must be living at number 3 which is of white marbles according to (b).

According to (a), 4 must be green marbles since otherwise Jennifer wouldn't be somewhere at left. As per (f) this 4 th house is owned by Mr.Danny.

The only house left for Jennifer is blue positioned at 1.

To conclude,

Mrs Jennifer - blue marbles at Number 1
Mrs Sharon - red marbles at Number 2

Mr Cruz - white marbles at Number 3
Mr Danny - green marbles at Number 4

Finding Owners Of Homes in Home Town - Logical Puzzle

Mathematical Talk Between Horse And Camel

A horse and a camel were carrying boxes on their backs. The horse started complaining to the camel that his load is too heavy.

The camel replied 'Why are you complaining? If you gave me one of your boxes I would have double what you have and if I give you one of my boxes we two would have an even load.'

How many boxes do each of the animal (horse & camel) is carrying ?

Camel's clues about loads - Maths Puzzle

Find here the load on each of them! 

Suggestion From Mathematical Talk!

What was the talk?

Let's assume C be the number of boxes that camel is carrying and H be that being carried by horse.

As per first part of camel's statement i.e. if you gave me one of your boxes I would have double what you have  

C + 1 = 2 (H - 1) 

C + 1 = 2H -2

C = 2H - 3 ........(1)

Now in second part (i.e.if I give you one of my boxes we two would have an even load) of camel's statement suggests,

C - 1 = H + 1 

C = H + 2 

Putting (1) in above,

2H - 3 = H + 2

H = 5

Again putting this value in (1) gives,

C = 2*5 - 3 = 10 - 3 = 7 

C = 7. 

Horse is carrying 5 boxes and the camel is carrying 7 boxes.  

Camel's clues about loads - Maths Puzzle


Fair Distribution Of Water

In Sahara desert , 3 men found a big 24L Jar is full of water. Since there is shortage of water so they decided to distribute the water among themselves such that they all have equal amounts of it. But they only have a 13L, a 5L and an 11 liter Jar.

How do they do it? 

Challenge of Fair Distribution Of Water -  - Logical Puzzle

Here is how to do it!


Equal Distribution Of Water

What was the challenge?

1. First pour 24L into 13L and 11L jar.There will be no water in 24L jar.

2. Now pour 13L jar into 5L jar till 5L is filled. So 8L of water will be left in 13L jar.

3. This 8L of water from 13L jar is emptied in empty 24L jar.This will leave 13L jar empty.

4. Now pour 11L water from 11L jar into 13L of jar. There is still space for 2L of water in 13L jar.

5. Pour 5L jar into 13L of jar which had space for 2L only. So 3L of water will be left in 5L of jar.

6. This 3L of water is emptied in 11L jar.

7. A 13L jar full of water is again poured into 5L jar leaving behind 8L of water in it.

8. A 5L jar full of water is finally poured in 11L jar already having 3L of water. 

9. This way, 24L, 11L and 13L of jar would have 8L of water each.

Accepted Challenge of Equal Distribution Of Water - Logical Puzzle

Another CryptArithmatic Problem

Replace letters with numbers assuming numbers can't be repeated. 
  + MORE
Replace Numbers with letters - Maths Puzzle

Process of decryption is here! 

Decrypting The CryptArithmatic Problem

What was the problem? 

Let's take a look at the equation once again.
       S  E N D
  +   M O R E
 = M O N E Y
Now letter M must be representing the carry generated & it must be 1. 
And if M = 1 then S must be 9 or 8 if carry is generated from hundreds place. 
In any case, O can be either 0 or 1. But can't be 1 as M = 1 hence O = 0.
If O = 0 then E + 0 = N i.e. E = N if there is no carry from tens place. 
Hence, N = E + 1.
Let's turn towards tens place now. With no carry from units place N + R = 10 + E .
Putting N =  E + 1, we get, R = 9. And with carry from units place, we have,
1 + N + R = 10 + E, gives us R = 8. Hence either R = 9 and S = 8 or R = 8 or S = 9.
For a moment, let's assume R = 9 and S = 8 with no carry from units place, then, 
   8 E N D
+ 1 0 9  E
1 0 N E Y 
For this to be correct, we need carry at thousands place generated from hundreds 
place. That's only possible if E = 9 and carry is generated from tens place
forwarded to hundreds place. Since 9 is already being used for R this combination
is just impossible.
Hence, R = 8 and S = 9 with carry 1 from units place.
Now it looks like,
   9 E N D
+ 1 0 8 E
1 0 N E Y 
This means D + E >= 10 i.e. D + E = 10 + Y.  And numbers left are 2,3,4,5,6,7.
If E = 2 then D must be 8 or 9 for D + E >= 10.
Since 8 and 9 already taken, this is not possible.
If E = 3 then D can be 7 but Y would be 0 in the case. 
Since O = 0 already taken this value of E is also not valid. 
For any other value of D, D + E < 10 .
If E = 4 then D = 7 or 6 and Y = 0 or 1.
Both are taken hence this value of E in invalid.
Also,D <= 5 in the case gives  D + E < 10 .
If E = 6, N = 7 then, D <= 5. 
With D = 5 or 4, Y = 0 or 1, both are used for O and M already.
And for D = 2 or 3,D + E < 10 .
In short, this value of E is also not valid.   
So only value of E left is 5. Hence, N = 6 and D = 7. That gives, Y = 2.
Maths Puzzle -  Correct numbers for letters
To conclude,
  9 5 6 7
+ 1 0 8 5
1 0 6 5 2 

Burn The Strings

You have two strings whose only known property is that when you light one end of either string it takes exactly one hour to burn. The rate at which the strings will burn is constant and strings are identical.

How do you measure 45 minutes?

That's how to measure 45 minutes!

Timer Using Burning Strings

What was the challenge? 

1. Burn both the ends of 1st string and 1 end of other string.

2. After 30 minutes, 1st string will be burnt out and half of the other string will be burnt out.So far we have counted 30 minutes.

3. Now burn the other end of 2nd end. It will take 15 minute to burnt out totally. This way, we have counted 30 + 15 = 45 minutes using 2 strings.

Logical Puzzle of burning strings

"Your Surname Tells My Shirt's Color!"

Mr. Yellow, Mr. Black and Mr. Brown, three best friends since kindergarten meet in a function after 5 years. The three of them are wearing either a Yellow, Black or Brown shirt.
After giving each other a friendly hug, Mr. Black says, "Hey, did you notice that we are wearing a different colored shirt than our names!"

The man wearing a Brown shirt said, "Wow I certainly did not notice that but you are right Mr. Black."

Based on this conversation, can you find our who was wearing which colored shirt? 

Different is color than surname is suggesting
Know color of each person's shirt here! 

Surnames And Shuffling of Shirts

Read this conversation first!

One thing is sure that Mr.Black is not wearing the BLACK shirt. He is also not wearing BROWN as well as we found the other person wearing the BROWN colored shirt is agreed with the statement made by Mr.BLACK in a conversation. So only color left is the YELLOW & Mr. Black must be wearing that.

Now, the colors left are BROWN and BLACK and persons left are Mr. Yellow and Mr.Brown. Since, each of them wearing different color than his surname, Mr. Brown must be wearing the BLACK shirt. And hence, Mr. Yellow is wearing the BROWN shirt! 

To conclude, Mr.Black is wearing YELLOW shirt, Mr. Brown is wearing BLACK shirt & Mr. Yellow must be wearing BROWN shirt.

Surnames suggesting different color of shirt

Test of an Examiner

Five students - Adam, Cabe, Justin, Michael and Vince appeared for a competitive exam. There were total five questions asked from them from which were two multiple choice questions (a, b or c) and three were true/false questions. Their answers are given as follows:


Cabe c b True True False

Adam c c True True True

Justin a c False True True

Michael b a True True False

Vince b c True False True

Also, no two students got the same number of correct answers. Can you tell the correct answer? Also, what are their individual score?

Knowing Correct Answers And Evaluating Scores

Responding To Test of an Examiner

What was the test?

There are 2 possibilities of scores & that are either 0,1,2,3,4 or 1,2,3,4,5. First of all, let's arrange students' responses in order like below.

Assessment of students' responses
Table 1

What we notice here is that, there are few responses to same question by different student matching.

For the Question III, only Justin given different answers than other.

Case 1 : If we assume Justin's answer is correct then rest of all are wrong in response to Question III. That means either maximum score in test is 4 or Justin himself has scored 1 to 5.

Let's test that apart from Justin who can have score of 4. If any body other scores 4 then he must share at least 3 similar answers with other (excluding Answer III; refer image below). Only Adam has exact 3 matching responses with Justin.

Assessment of students' responses
Table 2

If Adam's score is 4 (Answers to I, II, IV, V are correct) then, Justin too would score 4 (Answers to II, III, IV,V are correct) since Adam & Justin have same responses to Questions II, IV,V).
If nobody scoring as 4 then Justin can have score of 4 or 5.

Case 1.1 : If his score is 4 then there has to be somebody has to be there scoring 0. Now Vince and Adam has at least 2 responses matching with the Justin. That means they can't score 0 since even 1 answer is wrong as Justin the other must be correct as Justin. Michael or Cabe can have 0 score in the case. If anybody of them has score 0 then answer as a TRUE to the Question IV is incorrect i.e. correct Answer IV is FALSE. So Justin is WRONG in Answer IV only. In short, a, c, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE is correct combination of answers. But thing is here in the case both Michael and Cabe would have score 0! Hence Justin's score can't be 4 too.

Case 1.2 : If Justin's score is 5, then a, c, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE are the right answers. No one would score 4 in that case with 3 as second highest by Adam.

An Experimental Professor

An eccentric professor used a unique way to measure time for a test lasting 15 minutes.
He used just two hourglasses. One measured 7 minutes and the other 11 minutes.

During the whole time he turned the hourglasses only few times. 

Measure 15 minutes usnig 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses

How did he measure the 15 minutes?

Couple of methods to count 15 minutes. 


15 Minutes Countdown

What was the challenge?

There were 2 ways for professor to count 15 minutes using 11 & 7 minutes hourglasses.

Method 1 :

1. He started both 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses but didn't begin test.

2. After 7 minutes hourglass ran out, he started the test. Still 11 one yet to count 4 minutes.

3. After conducting test for 4 minutes, 11 hourglass ran out.

4. Now he turns around 11 hourglass & continues. So 11 + 4 = 15 minutes counted.

Counting 15 minutes using 7 & 11 minutes hourglasses

Method 2 :

1. He started both the hourglasses & started to conduct the test as well.

2. When 7 minutes ran out he turned around it & kept 11 minutes counting.

3. After 4 minutes, 11 minutes hourglass ran out. Meanwhile 7 minutes hourglass also counted 4 minutes. So far 11 minutes counted.

4. Then he again turned around 7 minutes hourglass which had counted 4 minutes. That's how 7 minutes counted 4 minutes again.

5. In this way, 11 + 4 = 15 minutes counted.

A Check Post At Each Mile

A poor villager grows mango in his land and sells them in the town. The town is 1000 miles away from the village. He has rented a truck for transporting the mangoes to the town. The truck can carry 1000 mangoes at one time and this season, he was able to yield 3000 mangoes.

There is a problem. At each mile till the town, there is a check post at which he must give one mango each while traveling towards the town. However, if he is traveling from the town towards his village, he won’t have to give anything.

Dealing at the every chech post per mile!
Transportation Truck

Tell a way in which the villager can take highest possible number of mangoes to the town.

Smart Saving At Check Posts

How much each check post charging?

Obviously, he can't make 3 trips from town to village straightaway as in that case he wouldn't have anything left (3 x 1000 mangoes paid).

So he need to divide the journey into parts. While breaking journey into parts he has to make sure that after each part he will need less trips to complete the next part.

Now if somehow he pays 1000 mangoes in first part of the journey then for next part he has to make only 2 trips to carry 2000 mangoes.

Part 1 : Hence, he should first make 3 trips till 333 miles. In this part, he would pay 3 x 333 = 999 mangoes leaving 3000 - 999 = 2001 mangoes in stock.

Taking 3000 Mangoes Across 1000 Miles Smartly!
Part : 1

Part 2 : He should leave 1 mango here & take 2000 mangoes further. For next part, he need to make at least 2 trips for 2000 mangoes. In order to save number of trips in next part some how he need to make mangoes in stock less than 1000. For that he should make 2 trips 500 mile further. So he will pay 2 x 500 = 1000 mangoes but having 2000 - 1000 = 1000 mangoes in stock. Still he has to travel 1000 - 500 - 337 = 167 miles.

Taking 3000 Mangoes Across 1000 Miles Smartly!
Part : 2

Part 3 : For next 167 miles, he need to make only 1 trip of 1000 mangoes where he will pay 167 mangoes leaving 1000 - 167 = 833 mangoes. 

Taking 3000 Mangoes Across 1000 Miles Smartly!
Part : 3

This is how he can save 833 mangoes in entire journey. 

Wrong Looking Correct Mathematical Equation!

The following question it puts forth you:

25 - 55 + (85 + 65) = ?

Then, you are told that even though you might think its wrong, the correct answer is actually 5!

Whats your reaction to it? How can this be true? 

How this could be possible?

 That's how it's perfectly correct!

That's How Equation is Correct!

Why it was looking wrong? 

If you read the data carefully then you will notice '!' attached to number 5 which is being claimed answer. Actually claimed answer is 5! not 5 Read it again...

"Then, you are told that even though you might think its wrong, the correct answer is actually 5!."

Now use of '!' is not limited to the sentences only. In mathematics it's a 'factorial'.

So 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 and 25 - 55 + (85 + 65) = 120 and hence,

25 - 55 + (85 + 65) = 5! 

Now doesn't it look the correct equation? 

Use of ! in mathematics
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